I think there is a lot of good we can do here. But, I also do want to take abundant caution when it comes to the upzoning pieces.
Councilor Harrison reverses course on making decisions based on policy
Councilor Harrison parted ways with the other three new members of Raleigh’s City Council (Black, Patton and Jones). The group usually forms a coalition that is more skeptical of intense development outside the Central Business District and close to established neighborhoods. Instead Harrison provided the swing vote for the pro-developer faction of Council and voted to approve the controversial rezoning of Shaw University. Minutes after being instructed by the City Attorney that this case is a LAND-USE decision, Harrison tossed out the land-use policies that should have guided her decision and based her decision on an irrelevant point about the Prince Hall Overlay District.
Bailey to Baldwin: “Your lack of leadership is an embarrassment.”
At the April 4th Council meeting Donna Bailey shared a video showing Mary-Ann Baldwin’s embarrassing style of governing. Bailey’s video shows Baldwin abusing her elected position to promote a big donor’s rezoning by suppressing fellow Councilor Jane Harrison’s participation in the rezoning discussion.
Re-engaging with the community BOTH immediately and long-term.
Livable Raleigh supports today’s proposal for community engagement put forward by Councilors Jones and Harrison. You don’t have to wait for your council retreat at the end of January where you will be discussing your longer-term solutions, you could act tonight to give CACs access to community centers with a simple motion and a vote directing staff to make it happen.