I think the only way this MSD works is if the Alliance redraws the boundaries such that apartment complexes are excluded, or they go to the state legislature and get permission to implement an MSD on a sales tax basis and not a property tax basis. But the onus should be on the alliance to address the problematic aspects of the MSD BEFORE it is implemented and should not be a burden placed on residents AFTER the MSD is implemented.
Raleigh continues losing urban trees
As a city, we are currently not doing a very good job on two fronts: having a strong and aggressive program educating citizens and the building industry on the importance of tree preservation/protection, and, having some common sense regulations in place that will result in a better outcome for trees in the city.
March 19 City Council Meetings
HIGHLIGHTS Councilor Branch is absent and excused. Transit budget facing $8.2M deficit, even assuming resumption of fares on July 1, 2024. Several options proposed for addressing. Public comments covered rezoning issues, bus ridership, Prince Hall District, natural...
City Council Meetings March 11 & 12, 2024
Highlights from March 11 budget work session, March 12 work session on strategic plan, and March 12 public comments.
Zoning proposal threatens Raleigh’s water supply
Scientific studies have shown that nothing is better for a water supply than being surrounded by naturally forested land. Not only does a leaf canopy break up falling raindrops, but leaf litter beneath the trees can hold a lot of rainwater until it soaks into the ground. When it comes to protecting water quality, we have to be both unyielding and uncompromising in our efforts. Clean water is our lifeblood with respect to both our physical and economic health.
Silenced voices will speak the loudest
When leadership fails to listen or blatantly disregards or dismisses their constituents, it creates a harsh disconnect between the government and the people it serves. This can and has led to feelings of frustration, anger, and ultimately a breakdown in trust between the community and its leaders.
Thank You for re-instating CACs, now let’s fix the Neighborhood Rezoning Meetings
All the work the city has done to expand engagement opportunities could have been done while CACs remained in place. The need was NEVER either/or. It has always been both/and.
Developers put a BIG FOOT over existing NOAH communities
Having developers throw us a bone and expect us to say Thank You is an insult. This is not a small step toward more affordability but a big foot over existing NOAH communities.
City Council should set a tax rate that is revenue neutral
As both a real estate appraiser and a broker, I have been fielding a lot of questions from friends and clients who are very worried about how much higher their property taxes might become. There are people in Wake County who can absorb a higher tax rate, but here are a lot of folks who will not be able to do so.
February 20, 2024 City Council Meetings
HIGHLIGHTS At work session staff outlined plan for adopting a new comprehensive plan. A robust community engagement process is proposed. Hopefully they will include presentations to CACs. Comprehensive Plan Amendment CP-4-23: Downtown Transition Areas...