Submitting Nutrient Calculations to the City of Raleigh Webinar

Virtual Meeting

The City will host a webinar titled “Submitting Nutrient Calculations to the City of Raleigh” on April 20, 2023 at 9:00 a.m. to review the new rules and give guidance on how to submit the new calculations to the City. Register for the upcoming webinar here. Note: This training is intended for designers who submit plans for sites over an 0.5 acre to the city. Additional Information This will not be a SNAP training session – designers should attend one or both of the SNAP tool workshops listed below in addition to the City hosted webinar. Additional information on the webinar will be e-mailed to registrants in early April. Learn more about the Neuse Nutrient Rule Changes and other related workshops.

Appearance Commission

Raleigh Municipal Building 222 W. Hargett St., Raleigh, NC, United States

The City of Raleigh Appearance Commission will conduct a public meeting on Thursday, April 20 at 4:30 p.m. at the Raleigh Municipal Building, 222 West Hargett Street in conference room 303. For more information about the meeting, please contact Kasey Evans or visit the Appearance Commission webpage. A. Other Business 1. Legacy Program - Midtown Waterfront Park Presentation B. Approval of Minutes 1. Review March 15, 2023 Meeting Minutes C. Report of the Chair and/or Vice Chair The Commission typically meets on the first and third Thursday of each month at 4:30 p.m. Meeting agendas are added to the BoardDocs agenda management portal. Appearance Commission public meetings will be broadcast live on RTN 11 and on our live streaming webpage. To watch past meetings, visit our video services page.

Parks, Recreation, and Greenways Advisory Board

Raleigh Municipal Building 222 W. Hargett St., Raleigh, NC, United States

1. Call to Order 2. General Public Requests and Comments – (Please limit comments to 3 minutes) 2.1 We invite each person wishing to speak before the Parks, Recreation, and Greenway Advisory Board to stand at the podium, state your name and address, and make your statement. Your information will be received and either placed on the next agenda, forwarded to a subcommittee, forwarded to the Raleigh City Council, referred to the Raleigh Parks and Recreation Director, or received as information. 3. Committee Report - Liaison Representative 3.1 Raleigh Youth Council (RYC) 4. Presentation 4.1 Parks, Recreation and Cultural Resources Capital Project Process 4.2 "What We Do" Presentation Series-Parks and Natural Resources 4.3 Recreation - Youth Programs 4.4 Dix Park Update 5. Minutes 5.1 Approval of the Last Meeting Minutes 6. Directors Report 6.1 Director 7. Committee Reports - Standing Committees 7.1 Parks Committee 7.2 Fred Fletcher Volunteer Committee 7.3 Greenways Committee 7.4 Sustainability, Wildlife and Urban Trees Committee 8. Committee Reports - Liaison Representatives 8.1 Arts Commission and PADB 8.2 Bicycle & Pedestrian Advisory Commission 8.3 City of Raleigh Historic Cemeteries Commission 8.4 Dix Leadership Committee 8.5 Historic Resources and Museum Advisory Board 9. Chair Report/Announcements 9.1 Chair 10. […]

Earth Day 2023

DIX Park 1030 Richardson Dr, Raleigh, NC

Join us for this FREE community event to explore earth-conscious vendors and organizations while enjoying live music, games, and activities for all ages.  We will be showing a family friendly movie to conclude the event. LEARN about what the City of Raleigh and Community Partners are doing to create a more sustainable Raleigh. TAKE ACTION and pledge to volunteer and make personal changes to support the environment. WATCH the movie WALL-E More details, vendor information and event schedule can be found on the Dix Park website

Unused and Expired Medicine Drop-Off Event – 2 locations

Safely dispose of your unneeded or expired prescription and over-the counter medications at the local pharmacies listed below. This is a free service and no questions will be asked. Falls River Pharmacy at 10930 Raven Ridge Rd Wegmans at 1200 Wake Towne Dr For more information on the event and to view a full list of prescription drug take-back boxes in Wake County, view the event flyer.

BPAC Policy Committee — canceled

Raleigh Municipal Building 222 W. Hargett St., Raleigh, NC, United States

The Policy Committee focuses on pedestrian-related issues such as sidewalk construction and maintenance, crosswalk enforcement, and pedestrian safety. Meeting Schedule: The forth Monday of every month at 12 p.m. unless otherwise specified Meeting Location: Raleigh Municipal Building, Conference Room 419 Members: Joe Caruso (Chair), Kari Barsness, Elizabeth Alley If you are interested in viewing the meeting or making a public comment, please contact [email protected].

Neighborhood Rezoning Meeting: 510 Powell Drive

Pullen Park Community Center 408 Ashe Ave, Raleigh, NC

April 24, 6:00 p.m. Pullen Park Community Center, 408 Ashe Ave, Raleigh, NC 27606 510 Powell Dr Pre-submittal R-6 w/SRPOD to CX-3 w/SRPOD (additional information) D James Todd Thomas

Planning Commission

Raleigh Municipal Building 222 W. Hargett St., Raleigh, NC, United States

The Commission typically meets on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month at 9 a.m. The meetings are held at the Raleigh Municipal Building (RMB), located at 222 West Hargett Street. Meeting agendas are added to the BoardDocs agenda management portal on the Thursday before the meeting date. Planning Commission public meetings are broadcast live on RTN 11 and on our live streaming webpage. The Planning Commission subcommittee meetings are not broadcast live. To watch past meetings, visit our video services page. A. INVOCATION B. PUBLIC COMMENT C. CONSENT AGENDA 1. Consent Agenda Process 2. Rezoning Z-72-22: S Blount Street, north of E Cabarrus Street (District C) 3. Rezoning Z-88-22: Kindley St, northeast of the interchange of S McDowell St and Martin Luther King Jr Blvd (District D) D. OLD BUSINESS 1. Rezoning Z-80-22 Corporate Center Drive & Play Golf Way between I-40 and Corporate Center Drive, south of Trinity Road (District D) 2. Rezoning Z-93-22: South Wilmington Street Assemblage, north of Ileagnes Road 3. Rezoning Z-01-23: Northwest of the intersection of Rock Quarry Rd. and Barwell Rd. (District B) 4. Rezoning Z-02-23: Northeast of the intersection of Litchford Rd. and Old Wake Forest Rd., (District A) E. NEW BUSINESS 1. Rezoning Z-03-23: Northeast of […]

Dorothea Dix Park Leadership Committee

The Dix Park Leadership Committee exists to provide guidance to City staff, the Conservancy, and other partners on the implementation of the Dorothea Dix Park Master Plan. The Dix Park Leadership Committee meeting will be held in-person at the Greg Poole, Jr. All Faiths Chapel at Dix Park, located at 1030 Richardson Drive, Raleigh NC 27603.

Public Art and Design Board

John Chavis Community Center 505 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd., Raleigh, NC, United States

The Public Art and Design Board promotes and facilitates the inclusion of art into Raleigh's public realm by establishing processes that create a connection between artists, partners, and communities to enhance the City's vitality. The Public Art and Design Board serves as an advisory board for the public art program. Learn more about the Public Art and Design Board Meeting Details The Public Art and Design Board will meet in person at the John Chavis Memorial Park Community Center located at 505 Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard, Raleigh NC 27601. Contact Raleigh Arts to request an item for the agenda. View agenda and past meeting minutes on BoardDocs

BPAC Planning Committee

Raleigh Municipal Building 222 W. Hargett St., Raleigh, NC, United States

The Planning Committee focuses on bicycle-related issues such as bikeway design, wayfinding, and bicyclist safety. Meeting Schedule: The fourth Tuesday of every month at 5:15 p.m unless otherwise specified Meeting Location: Raleigh Municipal Building, Conference Room 419 Members: Pierre Tong (Chair), Mary Jo Gellenbeck, Celise Bravo-Taylor, Tammy Stern If you are interested in viewing the meeting or making a public comment, please contact Fontaine Burruss.