Walnut Creek Trail Improvement Project Open House

Walnut Creek Wetland Center 950 Peterson St, Raleigh, NC

Learn about the Walnut Creek Trail Improvement Project! Join us for our Walnut Creek Trail Improvement Project drop-in style open house event to learn more about the project.

Upper Durant Lake Public Meeting

Campbell Lodge at Durant Nature Preserve 3237 Spottswood Street, Raleigh

Upcoming Public Meeting Raleigh Stormwater is hosting an open-house style public meeting to: Update the community on project progress and next steps Present the process used to develop design alternatives Present the preferred wetland alternative recommended by the design consultant and chosen by the City of Raleigh Seek input on design details and future programming through a visual preference survey. Background Raleigh Stormwater is designing a wetland conversion of Upper Durant Lake. This project has several goals for the community members and local wildlife who enjoy the preserve. Goals of the wetland conversion include: Address the failing dam; Preserve and diversify natural habitat for native wildlife; Improve water quality, Expand environmental education opportunities; and, Ensure long-term viability of the Durant Nature Preserve. Learn more about the project, goals, and schedule.

Parks Committee

Raleigh Municipal Building 222 W. Hargett St., Raleigh, NC, United States

The committee is responsible for the study of issues related to park facilities, features, developments, and modifications. The committee prepares recommendations and proposals for the Parks, Recreation and Greenway Advisory Board based on in-depth review and study of park-related issues and concerns. The Parks Committee a standing committee of the Parks, Recreation and Greenway Advisory Board will meet in the Raleigh Municipal Building, 222 W. Hargett Street, Conference Room 303 at 6:00 pm.

Walnut Creek Trail Improvement Project Open House

Walnut Creek Wetland Center 950 Peterson St, Raleigh, NC

Learn about the Walnut Creek Trail Improvement Project! Join us for our Walnut Creek Trail Improvement Project drop-in style open house event to learn more about the project.

Walnut Creek Trail Improvement Project Open House

Walnut Creek Wetland Center 950 Peterson St, Raleigh, NC

Learn about the Walnut Creek Trail Improvement Project! Join us for our Walnut Creek Trail Improvement Project drop-in style open house event to learn more about the project.

Fletcher Park Water Garden Restoration Meeting

Fred Fletcher Park 820 Clay St, Raleigh, NC

Join us at the Fred Fletcher Water Garden Restoration Meeting! We are hosting an open-house public meeting to: Update the community on project progress Seek input on project details Develop next steps based on feedback and discussion Background Raleigh Stormwater will repair and restore the wetland (water garden) at Fred Fletcher Park. Repairs are necessary to restore stormwater control measure function and improve aesthetics at the park. Learn more about the project.

Parks, Recreation, and Greenway Advisory Board

Raleigh Municipal Building 222 W. Hargett St., Raleigh, NC, United States

1. Call to Order 2. General Public Requests and Comments – (Please limit comments to 3 minutes) 2.1 We invite each person wishing to speak before the Parks, Recreation, and Greenway Advisory Board to stand at the podium, state your name and address, and make your statement. Your information will be received and either placed on the next agenda, forwarded to a subcommittee, forwarded to the Raleigh City Council, referred to the Raleigh Parks and Recreation Director, or received as information. 3. Committee Report - Liaison Representative 3.1 Raleigh Youth Council (RYC) 4. Presentation 4.1 Crabtree Creek West Greenway Suspension Bridge Naming This Agenda Item Contains an Attachment. 4.2 This Is What We Do: Parks and Natural Resources Grounds Program 4.3 Situation Assessment - Leaf Out: Goals and Guidance for Trees on City Property This Agenda Item Contains an Attachment. 4.4 Raleigh Parks Plan Update This Agenda Item Contains an Attachment. 5. Action Items 5.1 Nomination Ad hoc Committee - New Member Recommendations 6. Directors Report 6.1 Director This Agenda Item Contains an Attachment. 7. Committee Reports - Standing Committees 7.1 Parks Committee 7.2 Fred Fletcher Volunteer Committee 7.3 Greenways Committee 7.4 Sustainability, Wildlife and Urban Trees Committee 8. Committee […]

Engage With Us!

Estey Hall, Shaw University 118 East South Street, Raleigh

Join us at Shaw University Etsey Hall, 721 S Wilmington St, Raleigh, NC 27601, as City of Raleigh staff and the design teams present concept and advance designs for the following projects: John Chavis Aquatic Center and Heritage Plaza John P. "Top" Greene Community Center Renovation and Expansion South Park Heritage Walk Cultural Trail (Concept Design Only) Learn more information and to get involved. Ages: AllCost: Free

Greenway Pedestrian Bridge Improvement Project – Public Meeting

Lake Lynn Community Center 7921 Ray Road, Raleigh, NC, United States

Our team has completed the early design plans for the project, and we want to get the public's input. We have a drop-in style meeting scheduled on Tuesday, Nov.12  from 4 - 7 p.m., at the Lake Lynn Community Center (7921 Ray Road Raleigh, NC 27612). The project consultant along with City staff will be available to respond to questions.

Pigeon House Watershed Study Public Meeting

Tarboro Road Community Center

We Completed the Pigeon House Branch Watershed Study! We are hosting our final public meeting to share results from the Pigeon House Branch watershed study. Stop by to discuss the results with staff. Study results will be posted on the website after the meeting. Visit the Pigeon House Watershed Study website for more information about the study. Background A watershed is an area of land where rainwater collects and flows or drains to a larger body of water. That can be a lake, stream, river, or ocean. We are doing a study of the Pigeon House Watershed. The goal is to identify ways to improve the watershed by: Reducing flooding impacts Renewing stormwater pipes and infrastructure that is in poor condition Improving water quality Repairing streambanks

Community Conversation: Transportation

Sanderford Road Community Center 2623 Sanderford Rd, Raleigh, NC

Discover the state of transit and transportation in Raleigh with the staff from Commute Smart Raleigh! In this lively and informative session, you’ll explore everything from the latest updates on the GoRaleigh and GoTriangle bus systems to projects designed to make getting around without a car easier and more convenient.Learn how the City is transforming non-car travel through innovative programs, creating more accessible and exciting options for residents who either cannot or choose not to drive. Whether you're a daily commuter, a sustainability enthusiast, or just curious about the future of our city’s mobility, this session will provide valuable insights and inspiration. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to see how Raleigh is paving the way toward a smarter, more connected community!Location: Sanderford Road ParkAge: 18 and upCost: FreeRegister on RecLink

Erinsbrook Park Project Open House

Brier Creek Community Center 10810 Globe Road, Morrisville

Join Raleigh Parks for a public open house! Review plans for the proposed new Erinsbrook Park.  Drop by to view current design plans, talk to Raleigh Parks staff and the design team, and share your thoughts. Learn More About the Erinsbrook Park ProjectLocation: Brier Creek ParkAge: AllCost: FreeNo Registration Required