Design Review Commission

Raleigh Municipal Building 222 W. Hargett St., Raleigh, NC, United States

Public Meeting - January 2, 2025 The City of Raleigh Design Review Commission will conduct a public meeting on Thursday, January 2 at 4:30 p.m. at the Raleigh Municipal Building, 222 West Hargett Street in the Council Chamber. For more information about the meeting, please contact Kasey Evans or visit the Design Review Commission webpage. A. Design Alternates - New Business 1. DA-13-2024: Red Hat Amphitheater (0 W South St, 205 & 223 W Lenoir St) This Agenda Item Contains an Attachment. B. Approval of Minutes 1. Review December 5, 2024 Meeting Minutes C. Report of the Commission's Attorney D. Report of the Chair and/or Vice Chair E. Other Business F. Adjournment

RHDC Research Committee

One Exchange Plaza 1 Exchange Plaza, Raleigh, NY

1. Call to Order A. Call to Order and Welcome This Agenda Item Contains an Attachment. 2. New Business A. RHDC Work Plan - Preserving Black Churches Project This Agenda Item Contains an Attachment. B. Additional Research Committee Dates 3. Public Comment A. This is an opportunity for the public to comment on items or issues that are not otherwise on the agenda. Please limit comments to 3 minutes per speaker. 4. Pending Business A. Items not being discussed 5. Adjournment

Raleigh Historic Development Commission Community Awareness Committee

One Exchange Plaza 1 Exchange Plaza, Raleigh, NY

Public Meeting - January 7, 2025 at 4 p.m. The Raleigh Historic Development Commission Community Awareness Committee will conduct a public meeting at One Exchange Plaza in the 1st floor conference room 108. For more information about RHDC meetings, please email 1. Call to Order A. Call to Order and Welcome This Agenda Item Contains an Attachment. 2. Public Comment A. This is an opportunity for the public to comment on items or issues that are not otherwise on the agenda. Please limit comments to 3 minutes per speaker 3. Old Business A. Tabling Event Recap B. SWAG Items C. 2025 Annual Work Plan 4. New Business A. Website Conversion B. Raleigh Historic Bike Ride C. RHDC Social Media Calendar 5. Other Business A. Pending Discussion Items 6. Adjournment

Neighborhood Rezoning Meeting: 2245, 2303, 2307, & 2311 Garner Road

Biltmore Hills Park 2615 Fitzgerald Drive, Raleigh, NC

Jan. 07 6 p.m. Biltmore Hills Community Center, 2615 Fitzgerald Dr, Raleigh, NC 27610 2245, 2303, 2307, and 2311 Garner Rd Pre-Submittal R-10 TO CX-5-CU (Additional Information) C Jenn Truman Tate

Second Neighborhood meeting on Z-38-24, 1400 Edwards Mill Road

Raleigh Marriott Crabtree 4500 Marriott Drive, Raleigh

Neighboring Property Owners and Residents: You are invited to attend a second neighborhood meeting on January 8, 2025, from 7:00-8:00pm at the Raleigh Marriott Crabtree Valley located at 4500 Marriott Drive, Raleigh, NC 27612. The purpose of the meeting is to discuss Z-38-24, the requested rezoning of a parcel of land located at 1400 Edwards Mill Road (PIN: 0784270312) (the “Site”). The Site is currently zoned Commercial Mixed Use - 12 Stories - w/ Conditions (CX-12-CU) and this proposal would rezone the Site to Planned Development (PD). During the meeting, the applicant will describe the nature of the request, provide updates since the first neighborhood meeting, and field any questions from the public. After the Rezoning Application has been filed, but prior to review by the Planning Commission, the City of Raleigh requires that a second neighborhood meeting be held for all residents and property owners within 1,000 feet of the area requested for rezoning. After the meeting, a report will be submitted to the Raleigh Planning and Development Department. Any other person attending the meeting can submit written comments about the meeting, but to be included in the Planning Commission agenda packet, written comments must be received at least […]

Development Stakeholders Meeting

John Chavis Historic Carousel House 505 Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard, Raleigh, North Carolina

Development Stakeholders Meeting - Jan. 9 Interested in connecting with the city staff that handles development, permitting, and text changes? We’re excited to invite you to our in-person Quarterly Development Stakeholder Meeting. This meeting is a great opportunity for engineers, developers, and consultants to hear important updates and discuss issues that matter to the development community. Join us as we work together to shape the future of development in Raleigh. We look forward to seeing you there! January 9, 2025 9 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. John Chavis Park, Historic Carousel House 600 Chavis Way, Raleigh, NC For more information please visit the Development Stakeholders Quarterly Meeting webpage.

Neighborhood Rezoning Meeting: 3027 Rock Quarry Road

Roberts Park Community Center 1300 E. Martin St, Raleigh, NC

Jan. 09 6 p.m. Roberts Park Community Center, 1330 E Martin St, Raleigh , NC 27610 3027 Rock Quarry Rd Pre-Submittal R-6 w/SHOD-1 TO R-10 w/SHOD-1 (Additional Information) C Beth Trahos Tate

SECAC (Southeast CAC)

Barwell Road Community Center 5857 Barwell Park Dr, Raleigh, NC, United States

Happy new year, SECAC is scheduled for: Thursday, January 9. 2025. Where: Barwell Road Community Center 5857 Barwell Park Drive. Raleigh, NC 27610 Time: 7:00 pm -8:30 pm Special agenda item: 1.Raleigh Police Department Chief Estella Patterson will retire Marach 1,2025. Come say farewell and hear her comments on Raleigh`s Successes and Challenges, 2, District C 2025 Updates, Councilmen Branch - Follow SECAC on Facebook: Have a say in decisions affecting your community by participating in your CAC. Have a great day, Ulysses J Lane VMD SECAC Chair

Board of Adjustment

Raleigh Municipal Building 222 W. Hargett St., Raleigh, NC, United States

1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES A. Approval of Draft December 9, 2024 Meeting Minutes This Agenda Item Contains an Attachment. 2. OLD BUSINESS A. BOA-0051-2024: 204 E. Forest Drive This Agenda Item Contains an Attachment. B. BOA-0052-2024: 206 E. Forest Drive This Agenda Item Contains an Attachment. 3. NEW BUSINESS A. BOA-0054-2024: 119 Lincoln Court This Agenda Item Contains an Attachment. B. BOA-0070-2024: 6800 Tarik Lane This Agenda Item Contains an Attachment. C. BOA-0071-2024: 6801 Tarik Lane This Agenda Item Contains an Attachment. D. BOA-0061-2024: 2108 Karns Place This Agenda Item Contains an Attachment. 4. REPORT OF THE BOARD’S ATTORNEY 5. ADJOURNMENT The Raleigh Board of Adjustment is a quasi-judicial body that acts on appeals for variances, special exceptions, and interpretations in the zoning regulations. Its decisions are final but may be subject to court action. The Board consists of eight members: four regular members and two alternate members are appointed to two-year terms by the City Council and must reside within the City limits; one regular member and one alternate are appointed by Wake County Commissioners and must reside within the City's extraterritorial jurisdiction. Established by City Code Section 24-48. Board of Adjustment public meetings will be broadcast live on RTN […]

Five Points CAC Virtual Meeting

Please join us for the next Five Points CAC virtual (Zoom, link below) meeting on January 13th, 7-8pm.  We may go a little past 8pm thanks to the very exciting presentations from City staff:   Final Report for the Five Points Streetscape and Safety Study (   Reflecting Raleigh: the next comprehensive plan, a multi-year, citywide effort to create a plan that truly reflects the history, assets, and perspectives of all Raleigh residents ( Hope you will join us at the link below.   Edie Chair, Five Points CAC   Zoom link:  

East CAC Meeting

Lions Park Community Center 516 Dennis Avenue, Raleigh

Hi Neighbors! We’ve got an exciting CAC meeting coming up next Monday the 13th at 7pm. We’ll have a city planner discussing the newest comprehensive plan. The Comp Plan impacts everyone in our city and addresses a range of issues- Housing Choice/Affordability Stormwater Management Traffic/Transportation Trees/Urban Forestry Infrastructure/Services Neighborhoods It’s a long range policy document that establishes a vision for the city and provides guidance for growth and development. In short, it’s SUPER IMPORTANT! As you can probably tell I’m pumped about this meeting, and I’d love to see you all there! As usual we’ll be meeting in the Lions Park Community Center at 7pm on Monday, January 13. Mark Turner, our technology extraordinaire, will be live streaming from Facebook if you can’t come in person. Best, Jean Mosher East CAC Chair PS: here’s a great in depth map that shows the CAC boundaries.