Neighborhood Rezoning Meeting: 1504 Jones Franklin Road (Z-17-23)

Carolina Pines Community Center 2305 Lake Wheeler Road, Raleigh, NC, United States

June 26, 7 p.m. Carolina Pines Community Center, 2305 Lake Wheeler Rd, Raleigh, NC, 27603 Z-17-23 Post- submittal OX-3 w/SHOD-2 to OX-4-CU w/SHOD-2 (Additional Information) D Brendie Vega

North CAC

Abbotts Creek Community Center 9950 Durant Rd, Raleigh, NC

The North CAC will hold its meeting, Monday, June 26th, at 7pm at the Abbott’s Creek Community Center on Durant Rd. Meetings are normally the 3rd Monday ofthe month, but the 19th is a city Holiday, Juneteenth AGENDA Welcome - Mike O’Sullivan Parks and Rec - Robert Stewart Raleigh Police - Mathew Winkle Raleigh Capital Project Mgr. - Emma Liles - Discuss Neuse River Park Adjournment

Midtown Citizens Advisory Council Meeting — ZOOM ONLY DUE TO WEATHER

Eastgate Park 4200 Quail Hollow Dr,, Raleigh, NC

Midtown Citizens Advisory Council Meeting Monday, June 26, 2023, 7:00-9:00 pm 7:00 Call to Order and Welcome to Midtown CAC 7:05 Review of Minutes of Prior MCAC meetings -- Discussion on Minutes, Followed by Amendment / Vote 7:10 RPD officers Winkle and Tomczak, -- Activity and Crime Stat Report for Midtown Question and Answer 7:30  2023 MCAC Election -- Discuss of Slate, Open for nominees, Election 7:45  Text Change - TCZ-13-23; Rezoning of The Exchange Raleigh -- Michael Birch, Sam Morris, LongLeaf Law Partners Steven Beattie, Dewitt Carolinas, Bronwyn Redus, Raleigh Planning 8:50 Old / New Business, Announcements, Remarks Adjournment 9:00  Adjournment Zoom Meeting Link: Meeting ID: 861 7285 2122 Passcode: 347661 One tap mobile +16468769923,,86172852122#,,,,*347661# US (New York) +16469313860,,86172852122#,,,,*347661# US

Neighborhood Rezoning Meeting: 500 Rawls Drive

Roberts Park Community Center 1300 E. Martin St, Raleigh, NC

June 27, 6:30 p.m. Roberts Park Community Center, 1300 E Martin St, Raleigh, NC, 27610 500 Rawls Dr Pre-submittal R-10 to RX-5 (Additional Information) C Toby Coleman

Heritage Park Development & Planning

Raleigh Housing Authority Community Room 971 Harp Street

ALL VOICES MATTER!!! Raleigh Housing Authority welcomes the Community to meet with the Heritage Park Development & Planning Team PROJECT GOALS The Raleigh Housing Authority (RHA) wants to redevelop Heritage Park to improve housing options for its current residents and the community. We will emphasize the importance of community engagement and an inclusive master planning process. We look forward to meeting you and sharing next steps. MEETING DETAILS DATE: Wednesday, June 28, 2023 TIME: 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM LOCATION: RHA Community Room 971 Harp Street Raleigh, NC 27604 In the meeting we will discuss: • The roles of the development and planning team members. • The planning process, schedule, and next steps. • Community input and feedback. • Refreshments will be provided. • Children welcome. Activities will be provided. To receive ongoing project information and updates register at: For more information contact: Bridget Wall-Lennon, BLWall Consulting [email protected]

District E Meeting with Councilor Christina Jones

Stage Door Dance 2720 Godley Lane, Suite 101, Raleigh

JOIN US FOR A Community Conversation With your District E Councilor! Wednesday June 28th, 7:00 - 9:00 pm Stage Door Dance Productions 2720 Godley Lane Raleigh, NC 27617 Come and share your thoughts about the issues that you care about, and hear from guest speakers from your communities!

West Raleigh CAC

Meeting on Wednesday June 28th at 7pm It’s summertime and we hope you are taking advantage of the parks and greenways to get outside! We are pleased to have Palmer McIntyre joins us this month to talk about NC Year of the Trail. We also have a rezoning to consider that is 11 acres on Trailwood drive. We will hear from City planning staff as well as the applicant. We hope you can join us via zoom on Wednesday evening at 7pm. Zoom Link follows the agenda Year of the Trail (Palmer McIntyre) Rezoning Z-022-23 (Bronwyn Redus) Community Updates (All) Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 839 8129 2620 One tap mobile +16469313860,,83981292620# US +19292056099,,83981292620# US (New York)

Downtown South Quarterly Meeting via Zoom

For those unable to attend the Downtown South project's May meeting, will be hosting a second quarterly public meeting on June 29th, 2023, from 6:00 - 7:00pm. This meeting will be held via Zoom. The Zoom link for the meeting can be found below: This meeting is open to the public. Please share the below Zoom link with anyone who may be interested in learning more about the Downtown South project. ZOOM INFORMATION: Link:

NC People’s Power Coalition – Statewide Days of Outrage

Moore Square 200 S. Blount St., Raleigh, NC

  Statewide Days of Outrage Raleigh 12:00pm – 3:00pm Moore Square Park, 201 S. Blount Street Manzoor Cheema, Muslims for Social Justice, [email protected], 919-412-7008 Endorsers North Carolina is under major attack.  Now that the far right wing has gained supermajorities in both chambers of the State Legislature, they are passing far reaching legislation that will impact our people for generations to come. They are attacking our bodies, our schools, our health, our environment, our rights, our communities, our income, our jobs, our democracy and every aspect of our lives. The people of North Carolina are coming together to put forward the following People’s Agenda: Invest in Our Children! Fully fund public schools (fund Leandro) including early education and childcare, not private school vouchers!  Defend Black history and people’s history! Protect our children and our communities with sensible gun safety laws! Fund Health Care! Safe staffing in state mental health and medical facilities and universities! Protect mental health of youth and adults! Expand Medicaid! Improved Medicare for All – Healthcare is a Human Right! No to BCBS price hikes! Keep Your Bans Off Our Bodies! Defend the right to abortion care and reproductive health care! Protect and increase rural access to OB/GYN […]

Neighborhood Rezoning Meeting: 1501 Kirkland Road (Z-21-23)

Carolina Pines Community Center 2305 Lake Wheeler Road, Raleigh, NC, United States

July 10, 5 p.m. Carolina Pines Community Center, 2305 Lake Wheeler Rd, Raleigh, NC, 27603 Z-21-23 Post- submittal R-4 to RX-3 (Additional Information) D Randy Herman Reckhow

Five Points CAC Virtual Meeting

We have a great line up of Five Points related topics: a police report, Trophy Brewing, City Council member Christina Jones, Bicket and Fairview rezoning, UDO text change for Transit Overlay Districts, and more.   See the agenda below. Our meetings are open to the public! Zoom Meeting link: Edie Five Points CAC Meeting Agenda July 10th, 2023 7-8pm 1. Police Report - Officer Kevin Smith 2. Transportation Overlay District Text Change (TC-2-23) presentation - Keegan McDonald, City of Raleigh Planning Department 3. Trophy Brewing on Bickett Blvd in the Electric Supply Company Building - David Meeker 4. Fairview Road and Bickett Place rezoning case (Z-50-21) - Matt Waters 5. News from City Council Member Christina Jones and Q&A 6. Brief updates on other Five Points news * Missing Middle/908 Williamson Board of Adjustment case update * Five Points Streetscape and Safety Study * Fall for Five Points 2023 Detailed Zoom information: Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 841 1155 5416 One tap mobile +16465588656,,84111555416# US (New York) +16469313860,,84111555416# US Dial by your location         +1 646 558 8656 US (New York)         +1 646 931 3860 US         +1 301 […]

Southwest Raleigh Community Engagement Virtual Meeting

Join us Monday night, July 10th at 7PM for our regularly scheduled Southwest Raleigh Community Engagement Meeting we will be meeting on Zoom. Greeting to Friends and Neighbors - SWRCE Chair Bob Edgerton. City of Raleigh Inspections Report - Inspector Doug Lilly City of Raleigh Police Department Monthly Report and Update – Captain Wood & Captain Rowland. City of Raleigh Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) System - Het Patel, AICP - Transit Planning Supervisor, City of Raleigh Transportation Department will update us on how the BRT system is progressing as each of the four different spokes (routes) of the program move through planning and design to construction. DON'T MISS THIS! We plan to broadcast the meeting on Facebook if you would prefer to watch it and not participate. Our next meeting is scheduled for August 14th. Current plans are to invite City Staff to tell us about programs to improve bicycle and pedestrian safety. In addition, we are asking for information on how streets can be made safer. If you have a particular interest and suggestions for topics please let us know. Click to Join the Meeting