West Raleigh CAC – Virtual Meeting

Virtual Meeting

West Raleigh CAC April 26th Meeting AGENDA   RPD Update - Officer Kevin Taylor Z-11-2023 Kent rd and Stovall Rezoning Sam Weldon Community Updates Peyote Perryman and Laura Ritchie To join the zoom meeting click this link https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83981292620 Meeting ID: 839 8129 2620 One tap mobile +16469313860,,83981292620# US +19292056099,,83981292620# US (New York) OR Dial by your location +1 646 931 3860 US +1 929 205 6099 US (New York)   Thanks and looking forward to seeing everyone at the meeting! Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/WestRalCAC

Neighborhood Rezoning Meeting – 5306 & 5310 Creedmoor Rd

4700 Creedmoor Rd, Raleigh, NC 27612 4700 Creedmoor Rd, Raleigh, NC

April 27, 5:30 p.m. Embassy Suites by Hilton Raleigh Crabtree, Edison Room, 4700 Creedmoor Rd, Raleigh, NC 27612 5306 & 5310 Creedmoor Rd Post-submittal (Z-4-23) R-4 to OX-3 (additional information) A Jolene Waitt Thomas

Camp Pond Dam Public Meeting

Jaycee Park Community Center 2405 Wade Avenue, Raleigh

Raleigh Stormwater is hosting a public meeting to discuss the status of the Camp Pond Dam project. The City’s consultant have drafted their evaluation of the existing dam on Richland Drive and developed a series of recommended improvements to the dam. At this meeting, the City will be soliciting feedback and concerns from the public with the presented study findings and the recommended improvements. Learn more about the project and design details on the Camp Pond Dam project website.

Fair Housing Community Conference

  Fair Housing Community Conference Housing is a Human Right The Fair Housing Community Conference will be held on Friday, April 28 from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. The event is free and lunch will be provided. The public is invited to attend this event, but space is limited. Please register today! Hosted in partnership with the Raleigh Fair Housing Hearing Board and the Fair Housing Project of Legal Aid of North Carolina, the conference focuses on issues related to housing and discrimination. The theme for this year's event is "Housing is a Human Right." The keynote speaker will be Yolanda L. Taylor, Esq. Ms. Taylor is an Adjunct Professor of Law at Wake Forest Law School and the lead attorney at the law firm, Yolanda L. Taylor Law Firm, PLLC d/b/a The Center for Community Law and Equity. She practices in the areas of housing justice, health equity, affordable housing, and community economic development law. As an adjunct professor of law, she teaches law through the lens of justice in America and how justice relates to concepts like “power” and “oppression.”

Neighborhood Rezoning Meeting – 309 & 327 Hillsborough St

301 Hillsborough St 301 Hillsborough St, Raleigh, NC

May 3, 6:00 p.m.9th floor of 301 Hillsborough St, Raleigh, NC 27603 309 & 327 Hillsborough St Pre-submittal DX-20-SH to DX-40-SH (additional information) District - D Molly Stuart Thomas

Neighborhood Rezoning Meeting — 1534 Kirkland Rd.

Carolina Pines Community Center 2305 Lake Wheeler Road, Raleigh, NC, United States

May 4, 6:00 p.m.Carolina Pine Community Center, 2305 Lake Wheeler Road, Raleigh, NC 27603 1534 Kirkland Rd Post-submittal R-4 w/SRPOD & SHOD-2 to CX-3-CU w/SRPOD & SHOD-2 (additional information) DAmy CroutReckhow

District C- CAC Comeback meeting

Roberts Park Community Center 1300 E. Martin St, Raleigh, NC

Informed + Engaged = Empowered. On February 7, City Council voted to allow Citizen Advisory Councils (CAC) access to five community centers for an interim period beginning March 1, 2023.The following was identified as the community center for District C to use as a meeting site. District C Roberts Neighborhood Center Southeast CAC will host a District C- Citizen Advisory Council Comeback in person meeting. When Thursday May 4, 2023 Time: 7:00 PM, Location: Roberts Neighborhood Center.                 1300 E. Martin St. Raleigh NC, 27610 The purpose of this meeting will be to allow the eight CACs that are part of District C to inform Raleigh District C residents of their status andsign-up individuals interested in participating in a District C- CAC. Raleigh officials/staff will also give a update on initiatives. The active and inactive eight CACs identified as being fully or partially in District C: are. 1-Northeast CAC 2-Southeast CAC 3-South CAC 4-East CAC 5-South Central CAC 6-Central CAC 7-North Central 8-Mordecai CAC The Presenters confirmed for the meeting are: 1-District C Councilman Corey Branch 2-Raleigh Police Chief Estella Patterson 3-Wake County Sheriff Willie Rowe 4--Office of Community Engagement (OCE) Director-Teisha Hinton 5-Housing and Neighborhood Update-TBD 6-RCAC Officers 7-Reprresentattives for the CACs in District C If you are one of the District C -community organizations, we are requesting to know your availability for this meeting and who will represent you at this meeting. Please start sharing the attached flyer with […]

Bike Bonanza

Raleigh Union Station 510 West Martin Street, Suite 200, Raleigh, NC

Visit Raleigh Union Station Plaza as part of downtown Raleigh’s First Friday! Music, bicycle advocates, safety checks, a bike decoration station, AAA of the Carolinas, and photo booth will all be part of this free family-friendly social event. Vendors Attending: AAA of the Carolinas - Giving away free bike helmets Oaks and Spokes - Bike decoration station and free bike servicing Raleigh Riders - Demonstrating a tandem bike and signing up volunteers for greenway rides Raleigh Bike Polo - Demonstration of Bike Polo and talking about the sport

Neighborhood Rezoning Meeting – N Dawson & W Jones Streets

Pullen Park Community Center 408 Ashe Ave, Raleigh, NC

May 8, 6:30 p.m. Pullen Community Center, 408 Ashe Ave, Raleigh, NC 27607 215 N. Dawson St & 300, 308 W. Jones St Pre-submittal DX-12-UG to DX-40-UG-CU (additional information) D Jamie Schwedler Thomas

Neighborhood Rezoning Meeting — 4216 Whitfield Road

Barwell Road Community Center 5857 Barwell Park Dr, Raleigh, NC, United States

May 8, 6:30 p.m. Barwell Road Community Center, 5857 Barwell Park Dr, Raleigh, NC 27610 4216 Whitfield Rd Pre-submittal R-6-CU to R-6-CU (additional information) C Ben Kuhn Redus

ive Points CAC virtual meeting – May 8th 7-8pm – JOIN US FOR AN HOUR

This meeting will include an opportunity to hear from City Council Member Christina Jones and about what's next for the Five Points Streetscape and Safety Study and this year's Fall for Five Points festival. We'll have discussion about the Missing Middle policy, the issues on Paula Street, and the rezoning case on the Bickett Blvd and Fairview Road corner. Our meetings are open to the public! Edie Five Points CAC Meeting Agenda May 8th, 2023 7-8pm Zoom Meeting link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/84111555416 1. Police Report - Officer Kevin Taylor, RPD 2. Five Points Streetscape and Safety Study - Jason Myers, Raleigh Transportation 3. News from City Council Member Christina Jones and Q&A 3. Fairview Road and Bickett Place rezoning case (Z-50-21) - update about 3rd neighborhood meeting - Carole Meyre 4. Fall for Five Points 2023 - Keith Stewart 5. Other Five Points news - Edie Detailed Zoom information: Join Zoom Meeting https://us06web.zoom.us/j/84111555416