Board of Adjustment

Raleigh Municipal Building 222 W. Hargett St., Raleigh

The City of Raleigh Board of Adjustment will conduct a public meeting on Monday, May 8, 2023, at 1 p.m. in the City Council Chamber at the Raleigh Municipal Building, 222 West Hargett Street. For more information please contact Keegan McDonald or visit the Board of Adjustment webpage. 1. OLD BUSINESS A. BOA-0005-2023: 4408 & 4412 Tryon Road B. BOA-0007-2023: 4120 Picardy Drive 2. NEW BUSINESS A. BOA-0009-2023: 5511 Capital Center Drive B. BOA-0011-2023: 908 Williamson Drive 3. REPORT OF THE BOARD’S ATTORNEY 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES A. Approval of Draft Aprril 12, 2023 Meeting Minutes 5. ADJOURNMENT The Raleigh Board of Adjustment is a quasi-judicial body that acts on appeals for variances, special exceptions, and interpretations in the zoning regulations. Its decisions are final but may be subject to court action. The Board consists of eight members: four regular members and two alternate members are appointed to two-year terms by the City Council and must reside within the City limits; one regular member and one alternate are appointed by Wake County Commissioners and must reside within the City's extraterritorial jurisdiction. Established by City Code Section 24-48. Board of Adjustment public meetings will be broadcast live on RTN 11 and on our live […]

Greenway Committee

Raleigh Municipal Building 222 W. Hargett St., Raleigh

The Greenways Committee, a standing committee of the Parks, Recreation and Greenway Advisory Board, will meet in the Raleigh Municipal Building Conference Room 303 every second Monday at 4 p.m.

Neighborhood Rezoning Meeting – N Dawson & W Jones Streets

Pullen Park Community Center 408 Ashe Ave, Raleigh

May 8, 6:30 p.m. Pullen Community Center, 408 Ashe Ave, Raleigh, NC 27607 215 N. Dawson St & 300, 308 W. Jones St Pre-submittal DX-12-UG to DX-40-UG-CU (additional information) D Jamie Schwedler Thomas

Neighborhood Rezoning Meeting — 4216 Whitfield Road

Barwell Road Community Center 5857 Barwell Park Dr, Raleigh

May 8, 6:30 p.m. Barwell Road Community Center, 5857 Barwell Park Dr, Raleigh, NC 27610 4216 Whitfield Rd Pre-submittal R-6-CU to R-6-CU (additional information) C Ben Kuhn Redus

ive Points CAC virtual meeting – May 8th 7-8pm – JOIN US FOR AN HOUR

This meeting will include an opportunity to hear from City Council Member Christina Jones and about what's next for the Five Points Streetscape and Safety Study and this year's Fall for Five Points festival. We'll have discussion about the Missing Middle policy, the issues on Paula Street, and the rezoning case on the Bickett Blvd and Fairview Road corner. Our meetings are open to the public! Edie Five Points CAC Meeting Agenda May 8th, 2023 7-8pm Zoom Meeting link: 1. Police Report - Officer Kevin Taylor, RPD 2. Five Points Streetscape and Safety Study - Jason Myers, Raleigh Transportation 3. News from City Council Member Christina Jones and Q&A 3. Fairview Road and Bickett Place rezoning case (Z-50-21) - update about 3rd neighborhood meeting - Carole Meyre 4. Fall for Five Points 2023 - Keith Stewart 5. Other Five Points news - Edie Detailed Zoom information: Join Zoom Meeting

Southwest Raleigh Community Engagement Meeting

Join us Monday night, May 8th at 7PM for our regularly scheduled Southwest Raleigh Community Engagement Meeting we will be meeting on Zoom. Greeting to Friends and Neighbors - SWRCE Chair Bob Edgerton. City of Raleigh Inspections Report - Inspector Doug Lilly City of Raleigh Police Department Monthly Report and Update – Captain Wood & Captain Howard. Carolina Pines Avenue Update - Dean Fox, PE Project Engineer for the ongoing Carolina Pines Ave. project will give an update on the ongoing design and preparation for construction for the project. Community Engagement - Debra Kuffner, Sr. Community Relations Analyst will update us on how their office is improving the inclusion of Raleigh citizens in the decision-making process that affects us all. City Council District D Update - District D Councilor Jane Harrison is scheduled to join us for some comments about how Council is engaging issues affecting our District and the City. Changes in Community Group Meetings - Comments and updates our community leaders and residents. We plan to broadcast the meeting on Facebook if you would prefer to watch it and not participate. Our June meeting will follow our established Open Discussion format - Community comments and discussion is welcome. Tell us all what […]