Venality in the corridors of power, especially within local governments, can erode the very foundation of public trust and hinder effective governance. Raleigh, like many cities, is not immune to these challenges
Raleigh City Council sure is making an awful lot of plans for downtown without public input
So, Ms. City Manager, members of Council, Convention Bureau crew- love ya, I know you mean well. But please don’t forget us, your voting and taxpaying dates. We brought you to this party to begin with, and it is just not polite to be behind the curtains carrying on without us.
Help Save Raleigh’s Animals
Since late 2022, the Wake County Animal Center has been operating at or above capacity. This means more animals are housed in the shelter than it was designed for. This crisis is not unique to Wake Co. It’s national. Despite these challenges, we are working multiple angles so that no animal should face euthanasia simply because of space limitations.
OK. I have ranted. But my rant is serious. Show up, have fun and tell the part of the truth at this “COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT” event, because to get something you have to give something up in this particular area. We have already given up a lot. Make sure that we get something back.
Terrance Ruth — On Raleigh’s Comprehensive Plan
Dr. Terrance Ruth received his PhD in Public Affairs from the University of Central Florida. He received his Master in Education from Nova Southeastern University and his BA from Oglethorpe University. Dr. Ruth completed a national fellowship through Boston College...
We just don’t count
Closing street food vendors at 1:15 is akin to making a lunch counter close at noon. It has killed our businesses. The whole business endeavor is now almost unsustainable. The measures you have taken are an out and out attack on small business. And it’s all based on a false narrative.
Conserve and protect the City’s natural beauty
The logical solution to a developer’s zoning “problem” is to work on a property already thus zoned, not just any old property in town.
Public Service is a Privilege, not a Self-Serving Opportunity
I stand before you today as a concerned citizen deeply troubled by recent actions taken by this Council. I refer to the rising crime in our city under your watch, but specifically, decisions to increase your own salaries, extend your terms from two to four years, and reject additional representatives on this Council—all without allowing the citizens of Raleigh to vote on the matter.
July 2 City Council Meeting
Highlights from July 2 Council meeting and public comments
Protect and preserve our heritage
It is required that those who have been given a trust must prove faithful. The trust bestowed in you is set forth in the Comprehensive Plan and the UDO and its premises designed and adopted with considerable stakeholder input for the long run.