I am not anti-development. And neither is Livable Raleigh

I am not anti-development. And neither is Livable Raleigh

INDY Week, please stop referring to me as anti-development. You refer to me as “Livable Raleigh co-founder Stef Mendell, who ran on an anti-development platform.” This has got to stop. I am not and have never been anti-development. And neither is Livable Raleigh. Let’s try to work together and find reasonable ways to accommodate appropriate development. Labeling individuals or groups as anti-development only furthers polarization.

Time for Limited Equity Housing Cooperatives

Time for Limited Equity Housing Cooperatives

Nearly half of the housing stock in Raleigh is rental housing and much of the affordable housing efforts by the city have been gap financing for affordable rental units. I think there needs to be a greater focus on creating dense, affordable, multi-family home ownership opportunities, and I think the best way to go about this is by incentivizing and/or subsidizing the creation of limited equity housing cooperatives.

Neighbors left out of the rezoning process – AGAIN!

Neighbors left out of the rezoning process – AGAIN!

Neighbors are generally supportive of affordable housing, stating “Given Raleigh’s commitment to providing affordable housing, … eventually an affordable housing development will probably be placed on this site. Our efforts are to assure that a smaller number of units will be allowed and thus the development will be more compatible with our neighborhood and the environment.”

Fix This NOW!

Fix This NOW!

Homeowners being sued by a builder in Woodcrest. This lawsuit is made possible by the City Council which allows major developments without neighborhood input or process and rezoned the missing middle without providing protections in established neighborhoods.

Mayor Baldwin Gaveled Out!

Mayor Baldwin Gaveled Out!

An article like the one in the N&O (11/17/2024) about Mary-Ann Baldwin’s self-described “record of progress” is to be expected but there is a lot to unpack here that could help give the new mayor of Raleigh Janet Cowell some direction.

Raleigh should transition to full-time councilors

Raleigh should transition to full-time councilors

On May 7th of this year City Council voted to switch to 4-year staggered terms without putting the issue on the ballot for voters to decide, effectively buffering city council from the corrective action of Raleigh residents’ voting power. While I have heard and respect the arguments in favor of 4-year terms, it should be voted on by residents.

Save Raleigh’s Historic Overlay Districts!

Save Raleigh’s Historic Overlay Districts!

Raleigh’s historic overlay districts are special treasures of our City. They comprise only one percent of Raleigh’s land area, but their impact is much larger. We do not need to destroy them to solve our housing shortage. We should instead preserve these treasures for our citizens, our visitors, our children, and our grandchildren.

So Close, Yet so Far: Disconnection In a Connected World

So Close, Yet so Far: Disconnection In a Connected World

There’s an unmistakable longing among teens and young adults today. It’s not just a want—it’s a need. People are craving a place where they can just be—somewhere that isn’t home, school, or work. A space to meet friends, make connections, and feel part of something. But those places, those third spaces, are becoming harder to find.