The City of Raleigh Planning Commission will conduct a public meeting on Tuesday, January 24 at 9:00 a.m. at the Raleigh Municipal Building, 222 West Hargett Street in the City Council Chamber. Planning Commission meetings can be viewed on the city’s website and RTN 11.
For more information about the meeting, please contact Travis Crane or visit the Planning Commission webpage.
1. Consent Agenda Process
2. Rezoning Z-81-22, 3304 Clearfield Drive, located at the northeast quadrant of I-540 and the CSX rail corridor (District A)
1. Wakefield Small Area Study Final Report and Comprehensive Plan Amendments
1. Rezoning Z-67-22: 7910 Skyland Ridge Parkway, at the northwest corner of the intersection of Glenwood Avenue and Skyland Ridge Parkway (District E)
1. Text Change to Zoning Conditions TCZ-61-22: 4500 Falls of Neuse Road, just north of the intersection with Old Wake Forest Road
1. Approval of January 10, 2023 Draft Planning Commission Meeting Minutes
1. Report from the Chair
2. Report from the Members
3. Report from the Assistant Director