Pups will strut their stuff and wag their tails in our pet parade along with a PAW-some costume contest. Other activities will include tricks for treats, bone bobbing, and HOWL-worthy pictures in a PUP-kin photo booth. Categories include spookiest, cutest, most creative, and best doggie/owner duo.
Vendors, merchants, and sponsors will be on-site for questions; while treat bags with goodies and coupons are on a first-come, first-serve basis; pre-registered BARK-ticipants are guaranteed their cut of the loot.
There’re no BONES about it, this event is sure to be a BONE-ified fun time.
Ages: *All
Cost: Free
Register on RecLink
*Dogs must be leashed when outside fenced areas, up to date on their rabies vaccinations and behave safely around other dogs. Dogs displaying aggressive behavior will be asked to leave*