Bring your home movies (8mm, Super8mm, 16mm motion picture film) or home videos (VHS) to the Top Greene Community Center between 1 and 4 p.m. on Saturday, May 25.
Moving image archivists will be on hand to inspect what you bring, provide information on the format and any preservation issues, screen your film or video if you would like to show it, and make a digital copy of it for free! You do not have to publicly screen your film or video to have it digitized. You do not have to have a film or video to bring to participate in and enjoy this event!
Go up in the attic, dig through those dusty boxes, call grandma, discover your family’s hidden treasure trove of old home movies, and bring them to Home Movie Day!
FREE consultations with A/V Geeks’ expert staff will be available in 15-minute slots from 1 – 4 p.m. on a first come first serve basis. They will digitize up to 15 minutes of your footage free for you while you wait!
Ages: All
Cost: Free