District B Office Hours with Councilor Patton
Bedford Food & Drink 3607 Falls River Ave, Raleigh, NCBedford Food and Drink
Bedford Food and Drink
Black History Trolley Tour Sat, Feb 8th, 2025 1 pm; 3:00 pm LOCATION Mordecai Historic Park 1 Mimosa Street, Raleigh, NC 27604 Join the Historic Raleigh Trolley for this special edition of our popular Black history tour highlighting Oberlin Village. Tours will begin at Mordecai Historic Park and travel to Oberlin, where passengers will disembark for a tour of the Historic Turner House and Oberlin Cemetery and learn about the neighborhood’s history of community and freedom. Tours will take place Saturday, February 8th at 1:00 pm and 3:00 pm and last an hour and a half. Registration is $15 and can be purchased online using RecLink. For more information, please call the Mordecai Historic Park Visitor Center at 919-996-4364.
Black History Trolley Tour Sat, Feb 8th, 2025 1 pm; 3:00 pm LOCATION Mordecai Historic Park 1 Mimosa Street, Raleigh, NC 27604 Join the Historic Raleigh Trolley for this special edition of our popular Black history tour highlighting Oberlin Village. Tours will begin at Mordecai Historic Park and travel to Oberlin, where passengers will disembark for a tour of the Historic Turner House and Oberlin Cemetery and learn about the neighborhood’s history of community and freedom. Tours will take place Saturday, February 8th at 1:00 pm and 3:00 pm and last an hour and a half. Registration is $15 and can be purchased online using RecLink. For more information, please call the Mordecai Historic Park Visitor Center at 919-996-4364.
Public Meeting - February 10, 2025 The City of Raleigh Board of Adjustment will conduct a public meeting on Monday, February 10, 2025, at 1 p.m. in the City Council Chamber at the Raleigh Municipal Building, 222 West Hargett Street. For more information, please contact Justin Rametta or visit the Board of Adjustmentwebpage. 1. OLD BUSINESS A. BOA-0051-2024: 204 E. Forest Drive This Agenda Item Contains an Attachment. B. BOA-0052-2024: 206 E. Forest Drive This Agenda Item Contains an Attachment. C. BOA-0058-2024: 4550 Atlantic Avenue This Agenda Item Contains an Attachment. 2. NEW BUSINESS A. BOA-0030-2024: 2705 Rockwood Drive This Agenda Item Contains an Attachment. B. BOA-0059-2024: 7000 Destiny Drive This Agenda Item Contains an Attachment. C. BOA-0062-2024: 2710 Toxey Drive, 2714 Toxey Drive, 2718 Toxey Drive, 2722 Toxey Drive, 2730 Toxey Drive This Agenda Item Contains an Attachment. D. BOA-0063-2024: 5223 Coronado Drive This Agenda Item Contains an Attachment. E. BOA-0064-2024: 3212 Rutherford Drive This Agenda Item Contains an Attachment. F. BOA-0066-2024: 322 Sunnybrook Road This Agenda Item Contains an Attachment. G. BOA-0056-2024: 12009 Leesville Road This Agenda Item Contains an Attachment. H. BOA-0057-2024: 205 & 223 W. Lenoir St., 0 W. South Street & portions of Lenoir St. […]
Join Us for Our Next Meeting! NOTE: Venue Change! @everyone The Raleigh-Political Accountability Community (R-PAC) is meeting on Monday, February 10th, from 6:00 PM to 7:30 PM. Guest Speaker: Councilmember Christina Jones for District E will discuss the reinstatement of Citizen Advisory Councils (CACs) and the steps necessary to ensure they are reinstated correctly. Please Note: Due to a venue change, the meeting will now be held at: St. Mark’s Episcopal Church 1725 N. New Hope Road Raleigh, NC 27604 Who’s Invited: Friends and friends of friends – everyone is welcome! Come out to stay informed, engage in meaningful discussions, and connect with others passionate about accountability in Raleigh. See you Monday!
Feb. 10 6:30 p.m. *Rescheduled Abbotts Creek Community Center, CC Classroom, 9950 Durant Rd, Raleigh, NC 27614 8415 Honeycutt Rd Post-Submittal R-1 w/FWPOD TO R-6-CU w/FWPOD (Additional Information) ETJ Michael Birch Tate
Join us Monday night, February 10th at 7 PM for our regularly scheduled Southwest Raleigh Community Engagement Meeting. This will be a virtual meeting using Zoom. Greetings to Friends and Neighbors City of Raleigh Inspections Report - Inspector David Johnson. City of Raleigh Monthly Report and Update - Captain Manson (SW-Southwest). Captain Notch (SE-Southeast), Captain Van Antwerp (DT-Downtown). Our SW area is now part of three Raleigh Police Districts. GoRaleigh Update for Service and Route Changes - City of Raleigh Transportation Staff will go over changes that have been taking place with bus routes and service times. We need to stay engaged with this especially with 1,000 plus apartments coming on line this year. City Council CAC Liaison Councilor Christina Jones - Councilor "Christina" Jones has been very involved in Citizens' Advisory Councils and our "relationship" with the City government. Some changes are underway that should reestablish what is hopefully an even better process of keeping our community informed than ever before. She will share what she sees happening as we look head. Carolina Pines Ave Improvement Project - It is looking like the City may after several years be close to announcing a Contractor and Construction schedule. Raleigh Golf […]
Feb. 11 6:00 p.m. 3328 Forestville Rd, Raleigh, NC 27616 (Wake Cross Roads Baptist Church) 3328 Forestville Rd (Wake Cross Roads Baptist Church) Pre-Submittal R-4 TO CX-5 (Additional Information) B Chad Essick Klem
Mordecai CAC February 11, 2025 Time: 7:30-8:30 PM Location: Hybrid meeting – Halifax Community Center OR Zoom Please attend in person if you can, so that you can participate in the virtual reality safety training! Here is the Zoom registration link if you need to attend virtually: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/rs_EVM59TF2o5PQVv3DwHQ Agenda: Welcome/Agenda Announcements Police Report - Officer Smith Main Topics: Carpenter Development update (on Wake Forest Road, near Person Street and Delway) - David Meeker Future of the MCAC: Call for volunteers - David Plotner Interactive virtual reality presentation from the Raleigh Fire Department Tips on home fire safety Virtual reality fire extinguisher safety training (FLAIM: https://flaimsystems.com/ ) If you have announcements for the meeting please email chair@mordecaicac.org.
Raleigh Parks invites you to help shape the future of Tarboro Road Park. Join us for our second public open house to collaborate with the design team and City staff. This drop-in event offers an engaging opportunity to: Explore current design plans; Meet Raleigh Parks staff and the design team; Share your ideas and feedback; and, Learn about other neighborhood initiatives. Location: Tarboro Road Community Center Date: Wednesday, Feb. 12 Time: 5:30 - 7:30 p.m. Ages: All Cost: Free No Registration Required Ages: All Cost: Free
Feb. 12 6 p.m. Abbotts Creek Community Center, CC Classroom, 9950 Durant Rd, Raleigh, NC 27614 Old Milburnie Assemblage Z-12-24 Post-Submittal-3rd Meeting R-30 (Wake County) TO R-6-CU & R-6 (Additional Information) ETJ Collier Marsh Klem
Reflecting Raleigh: The Next Comprehensive Plan As Raleigh grows, so does the need for smarter traffic and transportation solutions. Every commute is a reminder that more people are on the move. We need your ideas to help shape Raleigh’s future. Join us for A City in Motion: Traffic and Transportation Solutions, part of the Reflecting Raleigh Community Conversations series. These events will feature expert speakers and give the community a chance to share feedback on how to improve traffic flow, expand transportation options, and make our streets safer. Wednesday, February 12 | 6-8 p.m. Keynote Speaker Presentations Raleigh Union Station Wednesday, February 19 | 6:30-8:30 p.m. State of the City Presentation and Community Discussion Chavis Community Center Your opinions and ideas are important to us. Each night will feature a different program, and you will have a chance to engage with staff and hear information about current projects. Food, translation services, and childcare will be provided. Register by Wednesday, February 5 to let us know if you have dietary restrictions, need language services, or childcare. Register for the Feb. 12 and 19 Events