Virtual Budget Discussion with Councilor Jane Harrison

Virtual Budget Discussion on Weds, May 29 | 7-8:30 pm I will go over the budget and provide time for community discussion & input in a virtual meeting. You can also provide comment at City’s Council public hearing on June 4th at 7 pm. The May 29th virtual meeting link is HERE.

Councilor Patton District B Meeting

Little Blue Bakehouse 2116-H New Bern Ave

Councilor Patton announced next meeting will be May 30 from 5-7pm at Little Blue Bakehouse on New Bern Avenue

DDNA (District D Neighborhood Alliance)

Thomas G. Crowder Woodland Center 5611 Jaguar Park Drive, Raleigh, NC, United States

Our next meeting is scheduled for June 15th at 9:30 AM at the Thomas G. Crowder Woodland Center with District D City Councilor Jane Harrison. This will be an open meeting so please bring your thoughts, concerns, and updates to share with the group. If you have questions or concerns that need a more immediate response please contact Coucilor Harrison. We are planning to have Zoom available for the meeting. Zoom Meeting

District D Neighborhood Alliance (DDNA) Meeting

Thomas G. Crowder Woodland Center 5611 Jaguar Park Drive, Raleigh, NC, United States

Our next meeting is scheduled for August 24th at 9:30 AM at the Thomas G. Crowder Woodland Center with District D City Councilor Jane Harrison. This will be an open meeting so please bring your thoughts, concerns, and updates to share with the group. If you have questions or concerns that need a more immediate response please contact Coucilor Harrison. This meeting will not be available via Zoom. We plan to return to the traditional third Saturday in September (9/21). Look forward to seeing you there!

District D Neighborhood Alliance (DDNA) Meeting

Thomas G. Crowder Woodland Center 5611 Jaguar Park Drive, Raleigh, NC, United States

Our next District D Neighborhood Alliance (DDNA) meeting is Saturday, September 21 at 9:30 AM at the Thomas G. Crowder Woodland Center at Lake Johnson. Healing Transitions will provide a presentation about their efforts to support folks experiencing homelessness, with a focus on services for alcohol and substance abuse. They are expanding their footprint at Dix Park with a new building to help more people. They will provide a Narcan (naloxone) training so that we know what to do if we encounter an overdose situation.

Mayor Pro Tem Melton Community Office Hours

Green Monkey 215 S. Wilmington Street

I’m also hosting Community Office Hours Saturday, October 5 at The Green Monkey 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m