Board of Adjustment

Raleigh Municipal Building 222 W. Hargett St., Raleigh

1. NEW BUSINESS A. BOA-0026-2024: 1500 Park Drive This Agenda Item Contains an Attachment. B. BOA-0028-2024: 4807 Beryl Road This Agenda Item Contains an Attachment. 2. REPORT OF THE BOARD’S ATTORNEY 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES A. Approval of Draft July 8, 2024 Meeting Minutes 4. ADJOURNMENT The Raleigh Board of Adjustment is a quasi-judicial body that acts on appeals for variances, special exceptions, and interpretations in the zoning regulations. Its decisions are final but may be subject to court action. The Board consists of eight members: four regular members and two alternate members are appointed to two-year terms by the City Council and must reside within the City limits; one regular member and one alternate are appointed by Wake County Commissioners and must reside within the City's extraterritorial jurisdiction. Established by City Code Section 24-48. Board of Adjustment public meetings will be broadcast live on RTN 11 and on our live streaming webpage. To watch past meetings, visit our video services page.

Greenway Committee

Raleigh Municipal Building 222 W. Hargett St., Raleigh

The Greenways Committee, a standing committee of the Parks, Recreation and Greenway Advisory Board, will meet in the Raleigh Municipal Building Conference Room 303 every second Monday at 4 p.m.

Neighborhood Rezoning Meeting: 118, 122, 126 Clarendon Cres

Roberts Park Community Center 1300 E. Martin St, Raleigh

August 12, 20245:30 p.m. Roberts Park Community Center, 1300 E Main Street, Raleigh, NC 27610 118, 122, 126 Clarendon Cres. Pre-Submittal R-4 w/NCOD TO RX-3-TOD (Additional Information) C Matt Tomasulo Tate

Southwest Raleigh Community Engagement Meeting — Virtual

Join us Monday night, August 12th at 7 PM for our regularly scheduled Southwest Raleigh Community Engagement Meeting we will be meeting on Zoom. Greetings to Friends and Neighbors City of Raleigh Inspections Report - Inspector David Johnson. City of Raleigh Monthly Report and Update - Captain Manson (SW-Southwest). Captain Notch (SE-Southeast), Captain Van Antwerp (DT-Downtown). Our SW area is now part of three Raleigh Police Districts. City Solid Waste and Recycling - Chesley Wiggins, City of Raleigh Solid Waste Services, Waste Diversion Analyst will provide an overview of recycling and City trash collection programs. We should also get an assessment of how Southwest Raleigh collections are performing based on a Composition Study of recyclable materials. I suspect we can all learn to make the task easier. (No plastic bags please.) Community Group Forum - Comments and updates from our community leaders and residents. The City Staff proposed South Street closure for a relocated Red Hat Pavilion has received considerable interest. For our September meeting (Monday the 9th at 7:00p.m.) we will be returning to our traditional home at Carolina Pines Community Center. Currently, Engineering Services has agreed to provide an update for the Carolina Pines Ave. Improvement Project. Hopefully, […]