Art, Education, and Collections Committee

Virtual Meeting

Meeting Details Meetings are held virtually on the first Thursday of each month from noon to 1 p.m. unless listed otherwise on the calendar. For more information about how to join the meeting, please contact Raleigh Arts at 919-996-3610. Learn more about the Art, Education, and Collections Committee

Stormwater Management Advisory Commission — Cancelled

Raleigh Transportation Field Services Building 2550 Operations Way, Raleigh

The registration link and agenda will be available a week before the meeting date. If you subscribe to this meeting series, you will receive the registration link and updates such as news and workshops. This commission meets the first Thursday of every month. Members discuss various stormwater needs and issues. Then, provides recommendations to staff and reports to Raleigh City Council. If you would like to speak at this meeting during public comment, please email us.

Design Review Commission

Raleigh Municipal Building 222 W. Hargett St., Raleigh

Public Meeting - August 1, 2024 The City of Raleigh Design Review Commission will conduct a public meeting on Thursday, August 1 at 4:30 p.m. at the Raleigh Municipal Building, 222 West Hargett Street in the Council Chamber. For more information about the meeting, please contact Kasey Evans or visit the Design Review Commission webpage. A. Design Alternates - Old Business 1. DA-4-2024: Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church (5000 Lead Mine Rd) This Agenda Item Contains an Attachment. 2. DA-6-2024: 201 Hillsborough (200 W Morgan St) This Agenda Item Contains an Attachment. B. Design Alternates - New Business 1. DA-7-2024: 1021 Social St (Life Time Living Residential) This Agenda Item Contains an Attachment. 2. DA-8-2024: 4501 Edwards Mill Rd (Glenlake Lot 1) This Agenda Item Contains an Attachment. 3. DA-9-2024: 200 S West St (RUSBus) This Agenda Item Contains an Attachment. C. Approval of Minutes 1. Review July 10, 2024 Meeting Minutes D. Sir Walter Raleigh Awards Planning 1. SWRA Planning E. Report of the Commission's Attorney F. Report of the Chair and/or Vice Chair G. Adjournment The Commission typically meets on the first and third Thursday of each month at 4:30 p.m. Meeting agendas are added to the BoardDocs agenda management […]

Neighborhood Rezoning Meeting: 1025 Schaub Drive

Glen Eden Pilot Park 1500 Glen Eden Drive, Raleigh

August 1, 20245 p.m. Glen Eden Pilot Park, 1500 Glen Eden Drive, Raleigh, NC 27612 1025 Schaub Dr. Pre-Submittal R-6-CU w/SHOD-1, SRPOD, TOD TO RX-7 w/SHOD-1, SRPOD, TOD (Additional Information) D Daniel Smoot Burns