BPAC Policy Committee

Raleigh Municipal Building 222 W. Hargett St., Raleigh

The Policy Committee focuses on pedestrian-related issues such as sidewalk construction and maintenance, crosswalk enforcement, and pedestrian safety. Meeting Schedule: The forth Monday of every month at 12 p.m. unless otherwise specified Meeting Location: Raleigh Municipal Building, Conference Room 419 Members: Joe Caruso (Chair), Kari Barsness, Elizabeth Alley If you are interested in viewing the meeting or making a public comment, please contact [email protected].

Pre-Proposal Conference: Downtown Rental Housing Development

Virtual Meeting

The City is hosting a Pre-Proposal Conference for developers interested in the Downtown Rental Housing Development RFP. This is an opportunity for prospective proposers to speak with City staff about the RFP and get their questions answered. Please register for the webinar in advance.

Neighborhood Rezoning Meeting: 1504 Jones Franklin Road (Z-17-23)

Carolina Pines Community Center 2305 Lake Wheeler Road, Raleigh

June 26, 7 p.m. Carolina Pines Community Center, 2305 Lake Wheeler Rd, Raleigh, NC, 27603 Z-17-23 Post- submittal OX-3 w/SHOD-2 to OX-4-CU w/SHOD-2 (Additional Information) D Brendie Vega

North CAC

Abbotts Creek Community Center 9950 Durant Rd, Raleigh

The North CAC will hold its meeting, Monday, June 26th, at 7pm at the Abbott’s Creek Community Center on Durant Rd. Meetings are normally the 3rd Monday ofthe month, but the 19th is a city Holiday, Juneteenth AGENDA Welcome - Mike O’Sullivan Parks and Rec - Robert Stewart Raleigh Police - Mathew Winkle Raleigh Capital Project Mgr. - Emma Liles - Discuss Neuse River Park Adjournment

Midtown Citizens Advisory Council Meeting — ZOOM ONLY DUE TO WEATHER

Eastgate Park 4200 Quail Hollow Dr,, Raleigh

Midtown Citizens Advisory Council Meeting Monday, June 26, 2023, 7:00-9:00 pm 7:00 Call to Order and Welcome to Midtown CAC 7:05 Review of Minutes of Prior MCAC meetings -- Discussion on Minutes, Followed by Amendment / Vote 7:10 RPD officers Winkle and Tomczak, -- Activity and Crime Stat Report for Midtown Question and Answer 7:30  2023 MCAC Election -- Discuss of Slate, Open for nominees, Election 7:45  Text Change - TCZ-13-23; Rezoning of The Exchange Raleigh -- Michael Birch, Sam Morris, LongLeaf Law Partners Steven Beattie, Dewitt Carolinas, Bronwyn Redus, Raleigh Planning 8:50 Old / New Business, Announcements, Remarks Adjournment 9:00  Adjournment Zoom Meeting Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86172852122?pwd=cS92NjVIQng4TWRYUXBHSUpYc3hZUT09 Meeting ID: 861 7285 2122 Passcode: 347661 One tap mobile +16468769923,,86172852122#,,,,*347661# US (New York) +16469313860,,86172852122#,,,,*347661# US