When you reduce watershed forestation requirements, they NEVER come back!

When you reduce watershed forestation requirements, they NEVER come back!

Raleigh’s forested areas are disappearing daily as if there are raging wildfires across the city. Considering a reduction in forested area requirements is very disturbing and counter to all the City’s Tree Canopy Protection, sustainability, water quality, heat mitigation, biophilic and stormwater management efforts and commitments.

Want to know more about these signs?

Want to know more about these signs?

This rezoning would set a dangerous precedent that would affect ALL neighborhoods. The developer wants to build 30 stories in a Transition Area, 240 feet from homes in a historic neighborhood. Anything greater than 12 stories would violate height guidance, 4 plans, 47 policies, and 2 tables. There is not one single city policy or plan that supports more than 12 stories at this location.

Just Follow the Plan

Just Follow the Plan

We all know that the city needs more density. By following the Comp Plan and the recommended Downtown Transition guideline, the city can achieve much more density and still keep a reasonable height next to neighborhoods.

City Council: We Have A Problem

City Council: We Have A Problem

If a 30 story tower is approved at this location in a designated Downtown Transition Area, then ALL the other neighborhoods noted here and currently protected by Downtown Transition Areas are at risk. This is a dangerous precedent to set.

Get Involved to Protect Raleigh’s Trees

Get Involved to Protect Raleigh’s Trees

If you are interested in protecting our trees, please consider attending the Branching Out information and input sessions, learn more about Leaf Out and how you can be involved, and consider planting native species the next time you garden or plan a new development.

Guidelines for Deciding Rezoning Cases

Guidelines for Deciding Rezoning Cases

Livable Raleigh calls on City Council to reform their approach to rezoning applications. Raleigh’s Comprehensive Plan, if followed, offers a clear path to sustainable, equitable growth.

Every Resident Has a Stake in the Comp Plan Update

Every Resident Has a Stake in the Comp Plan Update

The city is starting to write a new Comprehensive Plan, When adopted, it will replace the current 2030 Comp Plan, which was adopted in 2013 after several years of public input and dialogue. What is a Comp Plan? It’s a set of policies meant to guide every decision made by city leaders.

Will Council Put Parking Lots Before People?

Will Council Put Parking Lots Before People?

Council is being asked to legalize an illegal parking lot at 2601 Vanderbilt Ave near NC State. The applicant says the parking lot rezoning (Z-33-24) is a minor change, but in the big picture of West Raleigh’s sustainable growth, putting parking lots before people is a giant step backwards that will only legitimize more parking lots to come.

Measuring Community Character

Measuring Community Character

Weighing the impacts of growth on community character is not subjective. Instead, it is a key function of planning practice.

Which Meeting Is Raleigh’s Future?

Which Meeting Is Raleigh’s Future?

As the new Council leaders work to restore government transparency, integrity and trust, we hope they’ll encourage the Planning Director to take a closer look at his scope of work for the new 2050 Comprehensive Plan. The new scope should seek out the best consultants, the best Comp Plan models (like Minneapolis), and the best practices for empowering resident input.