If a 30 story tower is approved at this location in a designated Downtown Transition Area, then ALL the other neighborhoods noted here and currently protected by Downtown Transition Areas are at risk. This is a dangerous precedent to set.
A solution in search of a problem
In a misguided attempt to reduce Public Comment meetings from 3 hours to 2 hours in length, what City Council has done is put in place new limits when in fact, no meeting in 2024 ever went over 2 hours. But now, based on the new rules, a majority of the meetings will run less than 45 minutes and speakers will only get 1 minute to speak.
Guidelines for Deciding Rezoning Cases
Livable Raleigh calls on City Council to reform their approach to rezoning applications. Raleigh’s Comprehensive Plan, if followed, offers a clear path to sustainable, equitable growth.
Speak Out Regarding Public Comments
Public Comments at City Council meetings are the one unique opportunity to address the full city council and have your concerns heard by the other residents in attendance and those watching the livestream in real time or the video at a later more convenient time. Council wants to cut them back by 2/3. Tell them NO!
Council Planning Retreat – January 24 & 25, 2025
Highlights from Council’s Planning Retreat
Mayor Cowell: “It’s going to take focus, attention and every tool in the toolbox.”
Day two of Council’s annual retreat kicks off on January 25th with a discussion of affordable housing. It will be interesting to see if Mayor Cowell can convince her fellow Councilors to move beyond the kinds of fuzzy math that has concealed the real size and causes of Raleigh’s affordable housing crisis. Effective solutions will be fact-based, data driven and will reform current growth rules that promote the loss of five thousand affordable units each year.
Highlights from January 21, 2025 Council Work Session and Afternoon Session
Jan 7, 2025 City Council Meeting
Highlights from the January 7, 2025 City Council meeting
I am not anti-development. And neither is Livable Raleigh
INDY Week, please stop referring to me as anti-development. You refer to me as “Livable Raleigh co-founder Stef Mendell, who ran on an anti-development platform.” This has got to stop. I am not and have never been anti-development. And neither is Livable Raleigh. Let’s try to work together and find reasonable ways to accommodate appropriate development. Labeling individuals or groups as anti-development only furthers polarization.
An Open Letter to Mayor Cowell
Open letter to Mayor Cowell. Our proposal is a simple one: Council should not vote immediately after the hearing on the matter addressed by the hearing. Instead, it should take time to consider what the hearing was about, and what was said – and give the public a chance to think about it also, and to react.