Anderson Point Subdivision HOA
Southeast Citizen Advisory Council Meeting
January 11, 2024, at 7:00 PM –Barwell Road Community Center
Agenda: Community Meeting
1.Opening- Anerson Point Subdivision HOA
Welcome, Introductions, Purpose- HOA President-Eric Battle
Welcome, Purpose, Updates Ulysses J Lane VMD, Chair
A, Community Wellness Check In,
1-Barwell Road Community Center- Colleen Toomey, CPRP Director
1.Raleigh Police Department Community update-Officer Cinanni
Southeast Raleigh Area Study update, Rezoning process
Hannah Reckhow , AICP Senior Planner and Matthew Burns , Planning Staff
E Raleigh District C Update; Councilman Corey Branch
Meeting Adjourned
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Have a say in decisions affecting your community by participating in your CAC.
Ulysses J Lane VMD
“Excellence is to do a common thing in an uncommon way”by Booker T. Washington