This fall’s Raleigh City Council election will be the last in which all Council seats are up for re-election at the same time. Starting in 2026, the Council will shift to longer, four-year staggered terms (and will also move to a non-partisan primary election).
The shift to staggered terms, and the non-partisan primary, means that this fall’s election will be the last time such a large number of candidates will be running for City Council at the same time. This represents an opportunity for ONE Wake leaders in Raleigh to ensure that all future Council Members are aware of and accountable to the top priorities in our communities.
To this end, ONE Wake is organizing a 1,000 person non-partisan assembly with all candidates for Raleigh City Council (and Wake County Commissioners) on October 10, 7:00 pm, at Watts Chapel Missionary Baptist Church. You can register in advance here.