Hybrid Midtown Citizens Advisory Council Meeting
Monday, April 22, 2024, 7:00-9:00 pm
1) 7:00 Call to Order and Welcome to Midtown CAC
2) 7:05 Review of Minutes of Prior MCAC meetings
Discussion of Minutes, Followed by Amendment / Vote
3) 7:10 RPD officers Winkle and Garcia
Activity and Crime Stats Report for Midtown
Question and Answer
4) 7:30 Raleigh Police Request for Competitive Salaries
Rick Armstrong
Vice President
Teamsters Local 391, Raleigh Police Protective Association
5) 8:30 City Council Updates
6) 8:45 Old / New Business, Announcements, Remarks
7) 9:00 Adjournment
In Person Location:
Millbrook Exchange
1905 Spring Forest Road
Raleigh, NC 27615
Zoom Meeting Link:
Meeting ID: 861 7285 2122
Passcode: 347661
One tap mobile
+16468769923,,86172852122#,,,,*347661# US (New York)
+16469313860,,86172852122#,,,,*347661# US
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