Hi CAC neighbors,
A week from today our Hillsborough-Wade CAC meeting will be on Tuesday, August 27th at 7:00 PM. We will meet on Zoom and the link is at the bottom of this email.
Current Agenda:
• Police report
• Update from the Hillsborough Street Community Service Corporation.
• Update on rezoning case Z-83-22 (property includes where the Arby’s was on Hillsborough Street).
• City Councilors Christina Jones and Jane Harrison will tell us what the City of Raleigh has been doing since the February 2024 vote to re-establish City support and official recognition of the RCAC. Then we’ll have a group discussion about the future of Raleigh’s CACs.
As you know, our H-W CAC boundary includes parts of City Council Districts D and E. So I’m very excited that we’ll get to hear from our City Council representatives about what the City of Raleigh has been doing since the February 2024 vote to re-establish City support and official recognition of the RCAC. It will also be very productive and useful for our CAC residents to hear about our Councilors’ vision for the future of CACs, and for our City Councilors to hear from you about what you would like to see happen in the future.
The RCAC Board is currently asking each CAC Board to complete a survey asking for opinions and visions for the future of Raleigh’s Citizen Advisory Councils. I hope to be able to share that with you at our August 27th meeting. This is obviously a very important topic to our CAC members, and we need to make sure we’re “all on the same page” and hopefully “rowing in the same direction.” (That’s enough metaphors for a Friday afternoon!)
The RCAC Board is currently asking each CAC Board to complete a survey asking for opinions and visions for the future of Raleigh’s Citizen Advisory Councils. I hope to be able to share that with you at our August 27th meeting. This is obviously a very important topic to our CAC members, and we need to make sure we’re “all on the same page” and hopefully “rowing in the same direction.”
See you next Tuesday,
Michael Lindsay
Chair of the Hillsborough-Wade CAC
Mobile: 919-429-0177
Hillsborough-Wade CAC meeting: Tuesday, August 27th at 7:00 PM
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