Midtown CAC Meeting — in-person & virtual
Eastgate Park 4200 Quail Hollow Dr,, Raleigh, NCResidents and guests, The Midtown CAC meeting on August 28 will follow the hybrid format that we have been using for the past few months. The in person meeting will continue to be at Eastgate Park community center and the virtual presentation will utilize a Zoom link. Last month, we had a discussion about a proposed town house development on Dartmouth Road. If you missed it, the video link of the meeting is contained in the previous meeting minutes, posted on our Facebook page and YouTube for reference. This month, we will have a followup discussion on Missing Middle, which is the basis of the town house proposal in Farrior Hills. In addition, we will hear a City presentation on the Northern Corridor, which will provide rapid transit from downtown to the Midtown area. The routing is still under discussion. I encourage all interested residents to attend. Appended is the agenda for the meeting and the combined minutes / presentations for the previous July MCAC meeting. Please review the minutes before the August meeting. If there are any advance comments on the minutes, please send them to my attention at your earliest convenience. The Zoom connection will be the same as […]