Substance Use Advisory Commission Meeting – CANCELLED

Raleigh Pathways Center 900 S. Wilmington Street

The Substance Use Advisory Commission advocates for a healthy community by promoting best practices for the prevention, intervention, and treatment of alcohol, tobacco, and other drug use.LocationRaleigh Pathways Center900 S. Wilmington StreetRaleigh, NC 27601 AgendaView agenda and minutes on BoardDocs

Planning Commission Strategic Planning Committee – CANCELLED

A. These items will be discussed during the meeting 1. NCOD Discussion This Agenda Item Contains an Attachment. B. Pending items not to be discussed at this meeting The Strategic Planning Committee is a subcommittee of the Planning Commission. This subcommittee can discuss policy issues related to land use and development. The committee typically meets on the second Wednesday of the month at 4 p.m. The meetings are held at the Raleigh Municipal Building (RMB), located at 222 West Hargett Street in conference room 303.

Community Engagement Board Meeting

Green Rd Community Center 4201 Green Rd, Raleigh, NC

The Community Engagement Board helps to develop, evaluate, and implement the City of Raleigh’s community engagement efforts. The committee will meet on Dec. 11 at 4:30 p.m. at Green Road Park, 4201 Green Road. Register to attend virtually.

City Budget Listening Session – Budget and Brews!

Clouds Brewing TapRoom 1233 Front Street, Raleigh, NC

The City of Raleigh wants to hear from you! The Budget and Management Services Department is hosting eight listening sessions to hear how residents want their tax dollars spent. Your input is critical to creating an equitable City budget. Join us for the "Budget and Brews" listening session on Wednesday, Dec. 11 from 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. at Clouds Brewing Tap Room, 1233 Front Street. Pizza is on us! Register online. If you speak a different language and need interpretation, let us know in the sign up form, and we'll provide an interpreter free of charge. Learn more about our budget listening sessions.

On-site Hours at the Former DMV Site

DMV Site 1100 New Bern Ave., Raleigh, NC

Raleigh's Community Engagement team will be at the Former DMV site. Stop by and say hello to our team members. Learn more about the Former DMV site project and other city projects!

Reflecting Raleigh: Ask-A-Planner – Virtual

Virtual Meeting

Attend an upcoming Ask-A-Planner to ask questions about Reflecting Raleigh: The Next Comprehensive Plan. City staff are interested in engaging with residents, sharing information, and learning about their vision for the future of Raleigh. Over the next year, the City will be hosting a series of Community Conversations on the following topics: Affordable Housing Stormwater Trees Sustainable Infrastructure & Services Neighborhoods Transportation & Mobility Sustainability and equity will be at the heart of every conversation. We want to hear from you at any of the Reflecting Raleigh events.

Raleigh Transit Authority – CANCELLED

Raleigh Municipal Building 222 W. Hargett St., Raleigh, NC, United States

This meeting of the Raleigh Transit Authority will be held at 3:30 p.m. and the Public Comment begins at 4 p.m. For more information and to view the agenda, please visit Raleigh Transit Authority. If you'd like to submit a comment for the upcoming virtual meeting, please email [email protected]. The meeting may be viewed live via RTN 11, the City’s live stream page, and YouTube.

RHDC Certificate of Appropriateness Committee

Raleigh Municipal Building 222 W. Hargett St., Raleigh, NC, United States

Public Meetings - December 12 & 13, 2024 The RHDC Certificate of Appropriateness Committee will conduct two public meetings, one on Thursday, December 12 at 5:15 p.m. and another one on Friday, December 13 at 9:00 a.m. Both will be held at the Raleigh Municipal Building, 222 W. Hargett Street in the City Council Chamber. Please view each meeting agenda for all cases scheduled to be heard in December. For more information about the meeting, please contact [email protected] visit the RHDC Certificate of Appropriateness webpage. A. Call to Order – Chair 1. Roll Call 2. Approval of Agenda 3. Approval of Minutes: October 24, 2024 4. Minor Work Report This Agenda Item Contains an Attachment. B. Evidentiary Hearings - Old Applications 1. COA-0119-2024: 504 TILDEN ST This Agenda Item Contains an Attachment. C. Evidentiary Hearings - New Applications 1. COA-0134-2024: 521 E JONES ST This Agenda Item Contains an Attachment. 2. COA-0135-2024: 909 OBERLIN RD This Agenda Item Contains an Attachment. 3. COA-0136-2024: 415 N BOUNDARY ST This Agenda Item Contains an Attachment. D. Other Business 1. Committee Discussion E. Adjourment 1. Adjourn Meeting RHDC Certificate of Appropriateness Committee public meetings are held in the Raleigh Municipal Building, City Council […]

Neighborhood Rezoning Meeting: 2340 Compassionate Drive

Dec. 126:00 p.m. Faith Missionary Baptist Church located 2310 Compassionate Drive, Raleigh, North Carolina 27610 2340 Compassionate Drive Post-Submittal R-6 w/SHOD-1 TO RX-4 (Additional Information) C Amy Crout Tate

Parks, Recreation, and Greenway Advisory Board

The Parks, Recreation and Greenway Advisory Board (PRGAB) normally meets in person in the Raleigh Council Chambers, 222 W. Hargett Street at 6 p.m. The Raleigh Parks, Recreation, and Greenway Advisory Board meetings are open to the public from January - November.

City Budget Listening Session – Virtual

Virtual Meeting

The City of Raleigh wants to hear from you! The Budget and Management Services Department is hosting eight listening sessions to hear how residents want their tax dollars spent. Your input is critical to creating an equitable City budget. Join us for a virtual listening session on Thursday, Dec. 12 from 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Register online. Virtual sessions will be held via Zoom. If you choose a virtual session, you will receive the Zoom link after you sign up. If you speak a different language and need interpretation, let us know in the sign up form, and we'll provide an interpreter free of charge. Learn more about our budget listening sessions.