Hillsborough-Wade CAC meeting

Jaycee Park Community Center 2405 Wade Avenue, Raleigh

Our next Hillsborough-Wade CAC meeting will be on Tuesday, April 25 at 7:00 PM. We’ll meet at the Jaycee Community Center on Wade Avenue. Below is the updated agenda for our Hillsborough-Wade CAC meeting on Tuesday, April 25 at 7:00 PM. We’ll meet at the Jaycee Community Center on Wade Avenue. If you need a ride, please email me at [email protected] and we’ll match you up with someone attending the meeting. AGENDA: • Police report • Update from the Hillsborough Street Community Service Corporation • The Brooks Avenue traffic calming project and opportunity for input • Update on two current rezoning cases Z-83-22 and Z-60-22 • “After action” report on approved rezoning case Z-55-22 • What’s missing in “Missing Middle” housing? • If time permits, conversation about the future of CACs Mike Lindsay Chair of the Hillsborough-Wade CAC

Planning Commission Committee of the Whole

Raleigh Municipal Building 222 W. Hargett St., Raleigh, NC, United States

The Committee of the Whole is an informal special meeting of the full Planning Commission to have further discussions on specific referral items. The Planning Commission bylaws state that rezoning requests that are deemed inconsistent with the Comprehensive Plan and future land use map are automatically referred to the Committee of the Whole. Additionally, requests for Planned Development or Campus District are also automatically referred to this Committee. Agenda Item Details A. These items will be discussed during the meeting 1. CP-7-22 New Bern Station Area Planning Study and Comprehensive Plan Amendments 2. Rezoning Z-92-22: New Bern Station Area Planning, 744 properties along New Bern Avenue between Downtown and Hedingham Boulevard / Freedom Drive (Districts B & C) These items will be discussed during the meeting Subject: CP-7-22 New Bern Station Area Planning Study and Comprehensive Plan Amendments Ira Mabel, Planning and Development In 2021, the Planning and Development Department began a community conversation about planning around bus rapid transit (BRT) along New Bern Avenue. The project reached out to tens of thousands of residents, business owners, transit riders, elementary and high school and college students, and many others. More than 1,000 participated in the planning effort, with all final recommendations strongly […]

Wetland Conversion of Upper Durant Lake – Public Open House

Campbell Lodge at Durant Nature Preserve 3237 Spottswood Street, Raleigh

Raleigh Stormwater and Raleigh Parks are hosting a public open house for the Wetland Conversion of Upper Durant Lake project. Join us to learn about why a wetland is the best solution to the failing dam, the benefits of wetland habitats, and how you can get involved! If you cannot attend the meeting, a summary video of the meeting will be provided on the project website in early May Note: The meeting location is accessible through the south entrance of Durant Nature Preserve. Please type and use the full address of the lodge to populate accurate directions.

West Raleigh CAC – Virtual Meeting

Virtual Meeting

West Raleigh CAC April 26th Meeting AGENDA   RPD Update - Officer Kevin Taylor Z-11-2023 Kent rd and Stovall Rezoning Sam Weldon Community Updates Peyote Perryman and Laura Ritchie To join the zoom meeting click this link https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83981292620 Meeting ID: 839 8129 2620 One tap mobile +16469313860,,83981292620# US +19292056099,,83981292620# US (New York) OR Dial by your location +1 646 931 3860 US +1 929 205 6099 US (New York)   Thanks and looking forward to seeing everyone at the meeting! Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/WestRalCAC

Planning Commission Infrastructure and Mobility Committee

Raleigh Municipal Building 222 W. Hargett St., Raleigh, NC, United States

The Infrastructure and Mobility Committee is a subcommittee of the Planning Commission. This subcommittee can discuss issues related to transportation, transit, and infrastructure policies and improvements and connections related to land use or large transportation planning efforts. The committee typically meets on the fourth Thursday of the month at 3 p.m. The meetings are held at the Raleigh Municipal Building (RMB), located at 222 West Hargett Street in room 303.

RHDC Certificate of Appropriateness Committee

Raleigh Municipal Building 222 W. Hargett St., Raleigh, NC, United States

A. Call to Order – Chair 1. Roll Call 2. Approval of Agenda 3. Approval of Minutes: March 23, 2023 4. Minor Work Report B. Evidentiary Hearings - Old Applications 1. COA-0130-2022: 317 E JONES STREET 2. COA-0005-2023: 525 WATAUGA STREET C. Evidentiary Hearings - New Applications 1. COA-0030-2023: 904 E HARGETT STREET D. Other Business 1. Draft Demolition Recordation Standards 2. Committee Discussion E. Adjourment 1. Adjourn Meeting   RHDC Certificate of Appropriateness Committee public meetings are held in the Raleigh Municipal Building, City Council Chamber. A broadcast is available via the following methods: the city’s website; the city’s YouTube Channel or Channel RTN-11. Agenda and Participation Visit the RHDC webpage for additional information including the agenda and how to participate.  

Neighborhood Rezoning Meeting – 5306 & 5310 Creedmoor Rd

4700 Creedmoor Rd, Raleigh, NC 27612 4700 Creedmoor Rd, Raleigh, NC

April 27, 5:30 p.m. Embassy Suites by Hilton Raleigh Crabtree, Edison Room, 4700 Creedmoor Rd, Raleigh, NC 27612 5306 & 5310 Creedmoor Rd Post-submittal (Z-4-23) R-4 to OX-3 (additional information) A Jolene Waitt Thomas

Camp Pond Dam Public Meeting

Jaycee Park Community Center 2405 Wade Avenue, Raleigh

Raleigh Stormwater is hosting a public meeting to discuss the status of the Camp Pond Dam project. The City’s consultant have drafted their evaluation of the existing dam on Richland Drive and developed a series of recommended improvements to the dam. At this meeting, the City will be soliciting feedback and concerns from the public with the presented study findings and the recommended improvements. Learn more about the project and design details on the Camp Pond Dam project website.

Fair Housing Community Conference

  Fair Housing Community Conference Housing is a Human Right The Fair Housing Community Conference will be held on Friday, April 28 from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. The event is free and lunch will be provided. The public is invited to attend this event, but space is limited. Please register today! Hosted in partnership with the Raleigh Fair Housing Hearing Board and the Fair Housing Project of Legal Aid of North Carolina, the conference focuses on issues related to housing and discrimination. The theme for this year's event is "Housing is a Human Right." The keynote speaker will be Yolanda L. Taylor, Esq. Ms. Taylor is an Adjunct Professor of Law at Wake Forest Law School and the lead attorney at the law firm, Yolanda L. Taylor Law Firm, PLLC d/b/a The Center for Community Law and Equity. She practices in the areas of housing justice, health equity, affordable housing, and community economic development law. As an adjunct professor of law, she teaches law through the lens of justice in America and how justice relates to concepts like “power” and “oppression.”

Artist Reception: Pullen Arts Center Community Book & Printmaking Exhibition

Pullen Arts Center 105 Pullen Rd., Raleigh, NC, United States

Join us at Pullen Arts Center for a closing reception celebrating the artists featured in the Community Book & Printmaking Exhibition on Saturday, April 29, 2023, 2:30-4:30 p.m. Learn more and add your calendar The exhibition features the artworks of Pullen Arts Center teaching artists, center staff, studio members, and students. Additionally, the artworks by featured artist Dominick Rapone are also on display. Learn more about the Community Book & Printmaking Exhibition

Artist Reception: Pullen Arts Center Community Book & Printmaking Exhibition

Pullen Arts Center 105 Pullen Rd., Raleigh, NC, United States

Join us at Pullen Arts Center for a closing reception celebrating the artists featured in the Community Book & Printmaking Exhibition on Saturday, April 29, 2023, 2:30-4:30 p.m. Learn more and add your calendar The exhibition features the artworks of Pullen Arts Center teaching artists, center staff, studio members, and students. Additionally, the artworks by featured artist Dominick Rapone are also on display. Learn more about the Community Book & Printmaking Exhibition