The Committee of the Whole is an informal special meeting of the full Planning Commission to have further discussions on specific referral items. The Planning Commission bylaws state that rezoning requests that are deemed inconsistent with the Comprehensive Plan and future land use map are automatically referred to the Committee of the Whole. Additionally, requests for Planned Development or Campus District are also automatically referred to this Committee.
A. These items will be discussed during the meeting
1. CP-7-22 New Bern Station Area Planning Study and Comprehensive Plan Amendments
2. Rezoning Z-92-22: New Bern Station Area Planning, 744 properties along New Bern Avenue between Downtown and Hedingham Boulevard / Freedom Drive (Districts B & C)
These items will be discussed during the meeting
Subject: CP-7-22 New Bern Station Area Planning Study and Comprehensive Plan Amendments
Ira Mabel, Planning and Development
In 2021, the Planning and Development Department began a community conversation about planning around bus rapid transit (BRT) along New Bern Avenue. The project reached out to tens of thousands of residents, business owners, transit riders, elementary and high school and college students, and many others. More than 1,000 participated in the planning effort, with all final recommendations strongly supported by participants. Those recommendations, summarized here and described in more detail in reports and other information on the project page (, include:
- Allowing more housing and employment opportunity along New Bern.
- Ensuring housing is available to households at a wide range of income levels through a combination of direct investments, housing supply, legalizing more affordable housing types, and incentives to produce affordable housing.
- Improving community health and reducing carbon emissions by investing in walkability and connecting people to transit stations.
- Telling the story of Black Raleigh through art, community facilities, and ongoing partnerships with institutions such as St. Augustine’s University.
- Supporting existing small businesses and boosting opportunity for new entrepreneurs.
- Improving safety for pedestrians and cyclists.
Proposed amendments to the 2030 Comprehensive Plan include:
- CP-7A-22: New content for the Station Areas Area Specific Guidance.
- CP-7B-22: New streets on the Street Plan.