City Council Retreat Day Two

The public can watch the retreat live when in session. The agenda for the event has not been published yet. Troxler Agricultural Sciences Center on the corner of Reedy Creek and Edwards Mill Roads 4400 Reedy Creek Road Raleigh NC 27607

Artist Reception: January/February Exhibitions at Sertoma Arts Center

Sertoma Arts Center 1400 Millbrook Road, Raleigh, NC, United States

Join us at Sertoma Arts Center on Sunday, January 29, 2-4 p.m. for a reception celebrating the January/February exhibitions artists. On view in our Raleigh Room Gallery is an exhibit called Mountains to Sea Trail featuring the works of eight artists. Featured in our Hall Gallery are two artists working in painting, displayed in the lobby cases are artworks by a potter and traditional Japanese embroidered pieces by students at Sertoma Arts Center. Learn more about the January/February Exhibitions at Sertoma Arts Center

Neighborhood Meeting: 6401 Poole Road

Barwell Road Community Center 5857 Barwell Park Dr, Raleigh, NC, United States

Jan. 30, 6:oo p.m. Barwell Road Community Center, Meeting Room #2, 5857 Barwell Park Dr, Raleigh, NC 27610 6401 Poole Rd Pre-submittal R-6-CU to NX-4 (additional information) C Choli Aronson Belk

Neighborhood Meeting — S Boylan Ave & W Hargett St Assemblage

Pullen Park Community Center 408 Ashe Ave, Raleigh, NC

Jan. 31, 5:30 p.m. Pullen Community Center, CC Classroom 112A, 408 Ashe Ave, Raleigh, NC 27606 S Boylan Ave & W Hargett St Assemblage Post-submittal (Z-60-22) OX-7-UL to OX-20-UL (additional information) D Michael Birch Reckhow

RHDC Research Committee

Urban Design Center One Exchange Plaza, Raleigh, NC

The Research Committee meets on the first Wednesday of the month at 7:45 a.m. typically in the Urban Design Center, Suite 100 of the One Exchange Plaza building if not virtual.

RHDC Research Committee

Raleigh Urban Design Center One Exchange Plaza, Raleigh, NC

The Research Committee meets on the first Wednesday of the month at 7:45 a.m. typically in the Urban Design Center, Suite 100 of the One Exchange Plaza building if not virtual.

Sustainability, Wildlife, and Urban Trees Committee

Raleigh Municipal Building 222 W. Hargett St., Raleigh, NC, United States

The Sustainability Wildlife and Urban Trees Committee a standing committee of the Parks, Recreation and Greenway Advisory Board will meet in the Raleigh Municipal Building, 222 W. Hargett Street, Conference Room 303 at 4:30 p.m. on the first Wednesday of each month.

Sustainability, Wildlife, and Urban Trees Committee

The Sustainability Wildlife and Urban Trees Committee a standing committee of the Parks, Recreation and Greenway Advisory Board will meet in the Raleigh Municipal Building, 222 W. Hargett Street, Conference Room 303 at 4:30 p.m. on the first Wednesday of each month.

Neighborhood Meeting — 423 S Blount Street

John Chavis Historic Carousel House 505 Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard, Raleigh, North Carolina

Feb. 1, 6 p.m. John Chavis Historic Carousel House, 505 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd., Raleigh NC 27601. 423 S Blount St Post-submittal (Z-72-22) DX-3-UG w/HOD-G to DX-12-UG (additional information) C Mack Paul Tate

Neighborhood Meeting: 1534 Kirkland Road

Carolina Pines Community Center 2305 Lake Wheeler Road, Raleigh, NC, United States

Feb. 1, 6:00 p.m. Carolina Pines Community Center, Carolina Pines, 2305 Lake Wheeler Rd Raleigh, NC 27603 1534 Kirkland Rd Pre-submittal R-4 to CX-3-CU (additional information) D Amy Crout TBD

Stormwater Management Advisory Commission

Raleigh Transportation Field Services Building 2550 Operations Way, Raleigh

The registration link and agenda will be available a week before the meeting date. If you subscribe to this meeting series, you will receive the registration link and updates such as news and workshops. This commission meets the first Thursday of every month. Members discuss various stormwater needs and issues. Then, provides recommendations to staff and reports to Raleigh City Council. Raleigh Transportation Field Services Building 2550 Operations Way Raleigh, NC 27604

Appearance Commission

Raleigh Municipal Building 222 W. Hargett St., Raleigh, NC, United States

The Commission typically meets on the first and third Thursday of each month at 4:30 p.m. Meeting agendas are added to the BoardDocs agenda management portal. Appearance Commission public meetings will be broadcast live on RTN 11 and on our live streaming webpage. To watch past meetings, visit our video services page. Appearance Commission Meeting Raleigh Municipal Building 4:30pm City Council Chambers – Room 201 222 West Hargett Street Raleigh, North Carolina   A. Design Alternates 1. DA-24-2022: 3081 Sanderford Road (Sanderford Storage) 2. DA-26-2022: 7505 Fox Road (Carlton Dr Storage) 3. DA-27-2022: 330 W Hargett St, 119 S Harrington St, 323 and 327 W Morgan St (330 W Hargett) 4. DA-29-2022: 200, 206 and 210 S West Street (RUSBus) 5. DA-30-2022: 105 Ashe Avenue (105 Ashe Ave) B. Approval of Minutes 1. Review January 5, 2023 Meeting Minutes C. Report of the Commission’s Attorney D. Report of the Chair and/or Vice Chair E. Other Business 1. Election of Officers F. Adjournment