The Commission typically meets on the first and third Thursday of each month at 4:30 p.m. Meeting agendas are added to the BoardDocs agenda management portal. Appearance Commission public meetings will be broadcast live on RTN 11 and on our live streaming webpage. To watch past meetings, visit our video services page. Appearance Commission Meeting Raleigh Municipal Building 4:30pm City Council Chambers – Room 201 222 West Hargett Street Raleigh, North Carolina A. Design Alternates 1. DA-24-2022: 3081 Sanderford Road (Sanderford Storage) 2. DA-26-2022: 7505 Fox Road (Carlton Dr Storage) 3. DA-27-2022: 330 W Hargett St, 119 S Harrington St, 323 and 327 W Morgan St (330 W Hargett) 4. DA-29-2022: 200, 206 and 210 S West Street (RUSBus) 5. DA-30-2022: 105 Ashe Avenue (105 Ashe Ave) B. Approval of Minutes 1. Review January 5, 2023 Meeting Minutes C. Report of the Commission’s Attorney D. Report of the Chair and/or Vice Chair E. Other Business 1. Election of Officers F. Adjournment