“Surviving Extinction: Land Claims & Tuscarora Treaties”
Mordecai Historic Park 1 Mimosa St, Raleigh, NCI wanted to share an event we are hosting at the Mordecai Historic Park on Feb. 15th at 1p.m. Details below: https://raleighnc.gov/parks-and-recreation/news/digging-deeper-stories-local-archaeology Come join us as Donnie "Rahnàwakęw" McDowell leads the presentation, “Surviving Extinction: Land Claims & Tuscarora Treaties”, which analyzes the unique relationships the ancestors of the Tuscarora Nation established with the colonial government of the State of North Carolina. By placing a lens on the original agreements made between the Tuscarora and the new coming colonists, we better comprehend the diplomatic strategies and cultural philosophies of each culture. Discussions include ancient Tuscarora archaeological sites across the State, conflict with Europeans during the colonial era, the establishment of Wake County and the City of Raleigh, and the NC Assembly’s longstanding policy of Tuscarora disenfranchisement. COST: Free Billy Rutherford Historic Sites Program Specialist City of Raleigh Parks, Recreation and Cultural Resources Department 1101 Wake Forest Road Raleigh, NC 27604