Love Potions

City of Raleigh Museum 220 Fayetteville St, Raleigh, NC

Bring along your sweetheart and soak in the romance! Enjoy a selection of themed cocktails as you hear tales of Raleigh's most famous historic love stories, as told by Ernest Dollar, Director of Raleigh Museums. Age: 21+Cost: $50 for non-members and $42 for membersGet Tickets

Parks, Recreation, and Greenway Advisory Board

Raleigh Municipal Building 222 W. Hargett St., Raleigh, NC, United States

1. Call to Order 2. General Public Requests and Comments – (Please limit comments to 3 minutes) 2.1 We invite each person wishing to speak before the Parks, Recreation, and Greenway Advisory Board to stand at the podium, state your name and address, and make your statement. Your information will be received and either placed on the next agenda, forwarded to a subcommittee, forwarded to the Raleigh City Council, referred to the Raleigh Parks and Recreation Director, or received as information. 3. Committee Report - Liaison Representative 3.1 Raleigh Youth Council (RYC) 4. Presentation 4.1 Recreation Division - Overview of Specialized Recreation and Inclusion Services Program: "What We Do" Series 4.2 Leesville Community Park and Strickland Road Neighborhood Park Improvements Schematic Design Approval This Agenda Item Contains an Attachment. 5. Directors Report 5.1 Director 6. Committee Reports - Standing Committees 6.1 Parks Committee 6.2 Fred Fletcher Volunteer Committee 6.3 Greenways Committee 6.4 Sustainability, Wildlife and Urban Trees Committee 7. Committee Reports - Liaison Representatives 7.1 Arts Commission and PADB 7.2 Bicycle & Pedestrian Advisory Commission 7.3 City of Raleigh Historic Cemeteries Advisory Board 7.4 Dix Leadership Committee 7.5 2024 Raleigh Environmental Awards jury 7.6 Historic Resources and Museum Advisory Board […]

Girl Scouts Cookies & Crafts

Pullen Arts Center 105 Pullen Rd., Raleigh, NC, United States

Join us for a fun afternoon of Girl Scout cookies and crafts! You will get to sample the different kinds of Girl Scout cookies, while making cool crafts. This is a family-friendly program and is also a floating program, so feel free to drop in any time from 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. This program is free, but we ask that you pre-register each person who plans to attend, so we can plan accordingly. Cost: FreeAges: AllRegister on RecLink

Gals & Pals: A Floral Affair

Kiwanis Park 2525 Noble Road

Celebrate "Palentine's" Day with your friends or make new ones as we craft a beautiful bouquet of flowers and sip on mocktails. Whether you're celebrating a special occasion or looking to unwind and socialize, join us and watch your inner florist flourish! Ages: 18 and upCost: $10Register on RecLink

Feathered Friends Feeder Frenzy

Pullen Park Community Center 408 Ashe Ave, Raleigh, NC

Join us for some feathered friends fun! Discover more about the feathered friends who call North Carolina home by navigating through our digital hunt.*Phone with QR scanner needed.   Make a free bird feeder to take home and learn more about how you can help our feathered friends.Tip: We will also share how you can make DIY feeders at home too! Ages: AllCost: Free

Dix Park Project Summit

Dorothea Dix Park 1030 Richardson Drive, Raleigh, NC

Come learn about what’s happening at and around Dix Park!  There are a number of projects and ongoing studies supporting the transformation of the park. Drop in to the Chapel to learn more about individual projects and chat with staff and consultants. Projects to be Showcased Include Rocky Branch Enhancement Cultural Interpretation Plan Accessibility Improvements Gipson Play Plaza Stone Houses Renovation Lake Wheeler Rd Improvements Western Blvd Bus Rapid Transit Learn more about the Dix Park Project Summit

Dix Park Community Committee Meeting

All Faith's Chapel at Dix Park 1030 Richardson Drive, Raleigh, NC

*This meeting will take place during the Dix Park Project Summit.  The Dix Park Community Committee is an advisory committee designed to represent the diversity of the community and bring a broad range of experiences and expertise to the Dorothea Dix Park project. This committee provides guidance and recommendations to the Dix Park Leadership Committee on matters related to park development, programming, and engagement. The Dix Park Community Committee meeting will be held in-person at the Greg Poole, Jr. All Faiths Chapel at Dix Park, located at 1030 Richardson Drive, Raleigh NC 27603. View Meeting Agendas and Minutes using the City's paperless system

Public Open House for Smoky Hollow Park

Future Smoky Hollow Park 1014 N. West Street, Raleigh, NC

Raleigh Parks is hosting a public open house for the future Smoky Hollow Park. View the current plans and speak to City staff and the project team. Following this open house, Raleigh Parks will present these plans at the March 21 Parks, Recreation, and Greenways Advisory Board meeting. The open house will be at the site of the future park, 1014 N. West Street.  Please enter the site at the N. West Street entry. In case of severe weather, the open house will be held at Halifax Park Community Center, 1023 Halifax Street. As approved by the City Council in the Smoky Hollow Park Concept Plan, Smoky Hollow Park has been designed as a passive park with a restored Pigeon House Branch restoration, wetlands, pathways, gathering areas, and extensive landscape and naturalized areas. For more information on the project and engagement opportunities, please visit the Smoky Hollow Park Project page. Ages: AllCost: Free

Neuse River Park Public Workshop – Design Alternatives

Campbell Lodge at Durant Nature Preserve 3237 Spottswood Street, Raleigh

Drop-In Public Meeting to discuss design alternatives for Neuse River Park. This meeting will be family-friendly and will include light refreshments and an art-making station for people of all ages. Accommodations & Translation Services are available upon request. Please contact Location: Campbell Lodge, Durant Nature PreserveAges: AllCost: Free

Neuse River Park Public Site Visit

Neuse River Trail 12030 Old Falls of Neuse Road, Wake Forest, North Carolina

Join Raleigh Parks for an informational event at the site of the future Neuse River Park! Staff will be located at three different stations along the greenway trail, sharing information about the proposed plans for the park. This event will have content similar to the Public Workshop on March 4, but presented on-site! Parking is available at the existing greenway trailhead at 12030 Old Falls of Neuse Road.

Throw it Forward Disc Golf Tournament

Forest Ridge Park 2100 Old NC 98 HWY, Wake Forest, NC

It is back and better than ever at Forest Ridge Park! This unsanctioned, flex-start tournament highlights the park’s 18-hole disc golf course. The tournament will include both recreational and advanced player divisions. Player packs for each player and prizes for each division will be awarded to the top three players! Time: 9 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.Cost: $25 per playerRegister on RecLink

End of Winter Family Sock-Hop

John Chavis Community Center 505 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd., Raleigh, NC, United States

Join us in the gym for a super cool dance party the entire family will enjoy! Activities will include music, games and more! Chavis is where it is at! Ages: AllCost: Free