R-PAC Meeting

St. Mark's Episcopal Church 1725 N. New Hope Road, Raleigh


East CAC

Lions Park Community Center 516 Dennis Avenue, Raleigh

You all are going to love our special guest for this month’s CAC meeting because he’ll be covering a topic we all really care about! Sean Driskill, the manager of Raleigh’s Vision Zero program will be presenting at our meeting next Monday. For those of you who are confused by the program name as I originally was, Vision Zero refers to the goal of reducing traffic fatalities so much that we end up having zero fatalities. A lofty goal, but they’re starting out just trying to reduce injuries and fatalities along our transportation network. 🚙 Please come to our meeting Monday the 24th at 7 pm at the Lion’s Park Community Center to learn more about how the City of Raleigh is working to achieve this goal and to share your thoughts. Looking forward to seeing you all there! Best, Jean Mosher East CAC Chair PS: Please mark your calendars for next month's special earth day meeting on April 21. Our city’s Urban Forester Zack Manor. 🌳

Midtown CAC Hybrid meeting

Eastgate Park 4200 Quail Hollow Dr,, Raleigh

Agenda Hybrid Midtown Citizens Advisory Council Meeting Monday, March 24, 2025, 7:00-9:00 pm Eastgate Park Community Center   1)   7:00         Call to Order and Welcome to Midtown CAC 2)   7:05         Review and Approval of January 2025 Minutes 3)   7:10         RPD Senior officer Winkle, Sergeant Garcia, District Captain Rene Lockhart                         Activity and Crime Stats Report for Midtown                         Question and Answer 4)   7:30         Community Conversation                         Larry Helfant                         Midtown CAC Chairman 5)   8:00         City Council Updates                         Mitchell Silver, District A                         Christina Jones, District E 6)   8:30         Old / New Business, Announcements, Remarks                         Rezoning / PRGAB Updates - Steve Brechbiel 8)   9:00         Adjournment In Person Location:                         Eastgate Park Community Center                         4200 Quail Hollow Drive                         Raleigh, NC 27609 Zoom Meeting Link: Available by Request     Residents, I previously mentioned that we would not have a speaker for our upcoming meeting. That has changed. We will have Robert Rice, Chairman of the Raleigh CAC as our guest speaker. I have provided updates in the past and we have completed surveys to help us guide our further association with the City. Robert will provide an update to those efforts. As you may recall, […]