Hillsborough Street Virtual Town Hall

Join Us on Nov. 20! Join the staff of Live It Up! Hillsborough Street for a virtual lunchtime Town Hall! We'll be talking about the health of the street as well as have smaller breakout spaces for in-depth discussions relevant to our three main departments: Engagement, Clean & Safe and Economic Development. This event will be virtual, free to attend and open to all! Registration is requested. Agenda 12:00 pm | Welcome 12:05 pm | General Street Updates 12:15 pm | Breakout Rooms (choice of Economic Development, Engagement or Clean & Safe) 12:50 pm | Wrap-Up 1:00 pm | Event Closes Register Now

Neighborhood Rezoning Meeting: Old Milburnie Assemblage

Nov. 206:30 p.m. Abbotts Creek Community Center CC Classroom, 9950 Durant Rd, Raleigh, NC 27614 Old Milburnie Assemblage Post-Submittal R-30 (Wake County) TO R-6-CU (Additional Information) B Collier Marsh Redus

West Raleigh CAC

Meeting Wednesday November 20th at 7pm It’s time to meet and talk about what’s going on in West Raleigh! We will discuss several items of interest to our members and hope you can join us via zoom on Wednesday evening at 7pm. Zoom Link follows the agenda _____________________________________ *Agenda* Lenovo Center Redevelopment Raleigh Comprehensive Plan Update Community Updates _______________________________________ Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83981292620 Meeting ID: 839 8129 2620 One tap mobile +16469313860,,83981292620# US +19292056099,,83981292620# US (New York)