Neighborhood Rezoning Meeting: 3716 & 3800 Pearl Road

Barwell Road Community Center 5857 Barwell Park Dr, Raleigh

Nov. 46 p.m. Barwell Road Community Center 3716 & 3800 Pearl Rd Pre-Submittal R-4 TO R-10-CU (Additional Information) C Worth Mills Tate

JOIN US! Monday, November 4th, for the Five Points CAC virtual (Zoom) meeting 7-8pm – Help plan the future of Raleigh!

Zoom link: It was pointed out to me that our next FP CAC meeting which would normally be on November 11th falls on Veterans Day.  I'm moving our meeting to Nov 4th.  Hope you all can make it. Tentative Agenda 1. Police Report – Officer Kevin Taylor 2. Raleigh’s planning department will present about creating a new comprehensive plan for the City of Raleigh. Here’s a description from City staff: “Reflecting Raleigh: the next comprehensive plan will be a multi-year, citywide effort. Our goal is to create a plan that truly reflects the history, assets, and perspectives of all Raleigh residents.” 3. News from City Council Member Christina Jones and Q&A