Join us Monday night, June 12th at 7PM for our regularly scheduled Southwest Raleigh Community Engagement Meeting we will be meeting on Zoom. Greeting to Friends and Neighbors - SWRCE Chair Bob Edgerton. City of Raleigh Inspections Report - Inspector Doug Lilly City of Raleigh Police Department Monthly Report and Update – Captain Wood & Captain Rowland. Our June meeting will follow our established Open Discussion format - Community comments and discussion are welcome. Tell us all what you believe we need to know. How about the numerous development cases that we are seeing? How about streets, traffic, and the horrible litter is thrown on the side of our streets? Changes in Community Group Meetings - Comments and updates our community leaders and residents. Changes in Community Group Meetings - Comments and updates our community leaders and residents. We plan to broadcast the meeting on Facebook if you would prefer to watch it and not participate. Our next meeting is scheduled for July 10th. Current plans are to invite City Staff to tell us about a program to improve pedestrian safety. In addition, we are asking for information on how streets can be made safer. If you have a particular interest and […]