Need Help With Technology? Get Advice About Your Device! Raleigh Digital Ambassadors are here to help! Whether you have a short question about how to work your computer or have long-term digital goals, join us for drop-in hours! You will be paired up with a Digital Ambassador to create a plan to best support your needs and tackle goals together in a 1:1 setting. Whether you need help with your phone, computer, or have other digital goals, we have you covered! No appointment is needed for this FREE session.
The Grid Project will host an Opening Reception for output:reflect:input: on Saturday, Saturday, February 1, 2025 from 3-5 p.m. output:reflect:input: is an exhibition that explores the impact artificial intelligence is having on the artist community. Just as new technologies like photography and mechanical reproduction were disruptors, AI also impacts how artists produce art and how it is received and perceived. output:reflect:input: is curated by Daniel Kelly and features local artists Allison Coleman, Ian Boyd, and Pat Fitzgerald. Location: Birdland, 706 Mountford Ave, Raleigh NC Exhibition dates: February 1 - 23, 2025 The show is open Saturdays and Sundays throughout the month from 1:30 p.m.-4:30 p.m. Read more about the exhibition and The Grid Project.
Oak and Spokes and Peach Road host quarterly pop-up free bike repair events. Come out and say hello to our team!