Job Fair for New North Carolinians!

Method Road Community Center 514 Method Road, Raleigh

Career opportunities and cultural exchange for new North Carolinians! Are you a newcomer looking for job opportunities in Raleigh? Join us at our job fair for new North Carolinians and connect with local employers who value your talents and experience. Explore career opportunities, network with employers, access valuable community resources and meet organizations that support refugees. Thanks to our event partners, the U.S. Committee for Refugees and Immigrants, Lutheran Services Carolinas, and Amplio Recruiting! There will be free food, snacks, and parking! For more information or questions, call or email, [email protected] English: 919-996-2118 Spanish: 919-996-2120 Location: Method Community Center Ages: 18 and up Cost: Free *No Register Required

Lake Crabtree Park-RDUAA Seeks Public Input for Development of 136 Acres Forested Land

RDU Airport Authority Board room 100 1000 Trade Drive, RDU Airport

Lake Crabtree Park-RDUAA Seeks Public Input for Development of 136 Acres Forested Land Wednesday, January 29, 2025  (5-7pm) RDU Airport Authority Board Room 100 1000 Trade Drive, RDU Airport Parking in "Cell Phone" lot across from rental car returns The RDUAA has scheduled a Special Board Meeting regarding the future of Lake Crabtree County Park (LCCP) for Wednesday, January 29, 2025 starting at 5pm. At this meeting, public input will be solicited for development ideas and RESTRICTIONS/LIMITATIONS for 136 acres of land now in forested mountain bike and pedestrian trails. RDUAA is proposing allow private commercial development of this tract into some sort of "entertainment development' which includes hotel, restaurant(s), retail, similar. Due to a confidentially agreement, the public is not being told what the (also unnamed) developer proposes -- a lack of transparency! We are confident the public will have a lot to say about the proposal to convert one of the most popular features (forested bike/ped trails) of one of the County's most popular parks into some sort of commercial development. The Umstead Coalition will be suggesting a revisit of the land use Master Plan for the RDU Airport - instead of dismantling our public lands track by […]

Biltmore Hills National Register Nomination

John Chavis Community Center 505 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd., Raleigh

Join us at a community meeting to learn more about the Biltmore Hills National Register Nomination. The Planning and Development Department, in partnership with the Raleigh Historic Development Commission and Mary Ruffin Hanbury, a consultant, are completing a National Register of Historic Places Nomination for the Biltmore Hills neighborhood. This project will result in a completed National Register of Historic Places nomination for the neighborhood. Light refreshments will be served.