Bicycle & Pedestrian Advisory Commission (BPAC)

Raleigh Municipal Building 222 W. Hargett St., Raleigh

The Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Commission (BPAC) is an all-volunteer advisory body, appointed by the Raleigh City Council. Members are responsible for making recommendations on the implementation of relevant programs, policies, regulations, and funding priorities regarding walking and bicycling in Raleigh. MeetsThe third Monday of every month, unless otherwise specified. 6 p.m.BPAC Agenda

North CAC

Abbotts Creek Community Center 9950 Durant Rd, Raleigh

East CAC

Lions Park Community Center 516 Dennis Avenue, Raleigh

The East CAC will meet on Monday, June 17, at 7 p.m. at Lions Park Community Center. The purpose of this meeting is an organizational meeting and to elect officers to serve a term of 1-year as leaders of ECAC. Open positions include Chair, Vice Chair, and Secretary. If you are interested in serving in a leadership role, please email Mark Turner and Lynette Pitt at [email protected] by Monday, June 10. Please join us to reinvigorate our area’s Citizen Advisory Committee. Neighborhoods served include: Belvedere Park, Oakwood North, Longview Gardens, Longview Park, Windsor Park, Gatewood, and Lockwood. Please spread the word. Hope to see you there! Mark Turner and Lynette Pitt   _______________________________________________

Bus Rapid Transit Community Meeting

This coming Monday, June 17, learn the latest update regarding the Western Corridor Bus Rapid Transit, and ask questions you may have with the infrastructure. It is imperative that the city ensures that the voices of the disenfranchised are among the decision makers, and that the infrastructure works under the framework of #Equity Register here: