RHDC Executive Committee

Urban Design Center One Exchange Plaza, Raleigh

The Executive Committee generally meets on the Wednesday preceding the third Tuesday of the month at 7:45 a.m. in the Urban Design Center, Suite 100 of the One Exchange Plaza building. (Except for remote meetings which are on the Thursday, two weeks prior to the third Tuesday of the month.)

Community Engagement Board Regular Meeting

One Exchange Plaza 1 Exchange Plaza, Raleigh

Wednesday, July 12, 2023 REGULAR MEETING Wednesday, JULY 12, 2023 4:30-6:30 PM ONE EXCHANGE PLAZA, SUITE 809 RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA A. Welcome & Introductions B. Approval of Minutes C. Public Comment D. Staff Updates 1. Open CEB seats 2. June 20 Council Presentation Preview 3. Board Docs Training E. Old Business 1. Update on Unify Raleigh Event 2. Update on CEB Slide Deck F. New Business 1. Committee Discussion 2. Next steps on Public Comment Awareness 3. Board Retreat planning G. Board Roundtable 1. Individual updates from board members H. ADJOURN I. UPCOMING MEETINGS 1. CEB meetings are held the second Wednesday of each month.