RHDC Research Committee

Urban Design Center One Exchange Plaza, Raleigh

The Research Committee of the Raleigh Historic Development Commission will conduct a public meeting on Wednesday, July 5 at 7:45 a.m. in One Exchange Plaza Suite 100. For questions about the meeting, please contact [email protected] 1. Call to Order A. Call to Order and Welcome 2. Old Business A. Special Character Essays B. 2023 Inquiry Letters for RHL C. Raleigh Non-Residential 1945-1975 Survey 3. Public Comment A. This is an opportunity for the public to comment on items or issues that are not otherwise on the agenda. Please limit comments to 3 minutes per speaker. 4. Pending Business A. Items not being discussed 5. Adjournment The Research Committee meets on the first Wednesday of the month at 7:45 a.m. typically in the Urban Design Center, Suite 100 of the One Exchange Plaza building.

City Council Afternoon Session

Raleigh Municipal Building 222 W. Hargett St., Raleigh

The Raleigh City Council will meet for an afternoon session. Watch Council Meeting Live Stream View agendas and past minutes Visit our City Council page to find your council member and other council services. A. 1:00 P.M. MEETING CALLED TO ORDER BY THE MAYOR B. RECOGNITION OF SPECIAL AWARDS C. CONSENT AGENDA 1. Consent Agenda Process 2. Text Change - Order of Business for City Council Meetings - Public Comment Period Revisions 3. Resolution Extending Amplified Entertainment Permits and Hospitality District Entertainment Permits for Six Months 4. Donations for Police Programs - Various 5. Lease of City Property - Scattered-Site Affordable Rental Development - Southeast Raleigh Promise Housing LLC 6. Human Resources Policies – Policies 300-9A and 300-18 D. CONSENT AGENDA - PETITION ANNEXATIONS 1. Petition Annexation - AX-12-23- Contiguous inside ETJ - 205 Chatterson Drive (District A) 2. Petition Annexation - AX-13-23- Non-contiguous inside ETJ - 4001 Maynard Place (District C) 3. Petition Annexation - AX-14-23- Non-contiguous inside ETJ - 4005 Maynard Place (District C) E. CONSENT AGENDA - GRANTS 1. Federal Highway Administration- Safe Streets and Roads for All - Comprehensive Safety Action Plan Grant Award F. CONSENT AGENDA - EASEMENTS 1. Acquisition of Temporary Construction Easements - Stormwater Repairs […]

Raleigh Transit Authority Finance and Policy Committee Meeting – CANCELLED

Raleigh Union Station 510 West Martin Street, Suite 200, Raleigh

This committee reviews any budget/financial issues referred from the Transit Authority and other sub-committees as well as studies questions/policies related to transit and the GoRaleigh Access program. Members: Tolulope Omokaiye - Ex-Officio TBD - Chair Joshua Gill Latonia Williams Linda Davis For more information and to view the agenda, please visit Raleigh Transit Authority.

RHDC Community Awareness Committee

Urban Design Center One Exchange Plaza, Raleigh

Public Meeting - July 5, 2023 The Community Awareness Committee of the Raleigh Historic Development Commission will conduct a public meeting on Wednesday, July 5 at 4:00 p.m. in the Nash Conference Room on the 3rd floor of One Exchange Plaza, Raleigh, NC 27601. For questions about the meeting, please contact historicpreservation 1. Call to Order A. Call to Order and Welcome 2. Old Business 3. New Business A. New Committee Member Welcome B. Discussion of FY24 Committee Goals C. RHDC Website Conversion D. 2023 RHDC Social Media Calendar 4. Public Comment A. This is an opportunity for the public to comment on items or issues that are not otherwise on the agenda. Please limit comments to 3 minutes per speaker 5. Pending Business A. Items not being discussed 6. Adjournment The Community Awareness Committee meets on the first Tuesday of the month at 4:00 p.m. typically in the Urban Design Center, Suite 100 of the One Exchange Plaza building if not virtual.

Sustainability, Wildlife, and Urban Trees Committee

Raleigh Municipal Building 222 W. Hargett St., Raleigh

The Sustainability Wildlife and Urban Trees Committee a standing committee of the Parks, Recreation and Greenway Advisory Board will meet in the Raleigh Municipal Building, 222 W. Hargett Street, Conference Room 303 at 4:30 p.m. on the first Wednesday of each month.

City Council Evening Session

Raleigh Municipal Building 222 W. Hargett St., Raleigh

The Raleigh City Council will meet for an evening session. Watch Council Meeting Live Stream View agendas and past minutes Visit our City Council page to find your council member and other council services. EE. 7:00 P.M. EVENING AGENDA FF. PUBLIC COMMENT 1. Rules of Decorum for Public Comment 2. Voice Mail Public Comment GG. MATTERS SCHEDULED FOR PUBLIC HEARING 1. Street Closing STC-13-2022: Norris Street Right-of-Way 2. Petition Annexation - AX-19-23- Contiguous inside ETJ - 5017 Forestville Road (District B) 3. Petition Annexation - AX-40-22- Contiguous inside ETJ - 7630 ACC Boulevard (District E) 4. Petition Annexation - AX-18-23- Non-Contiguous, Inside ETJ - 2301, 2309 Old Milburnie Road (District B) 5. Rezoning Z-47-22: Computer Drive, east of Barrett Drive, west of I-440, and north of Wake Towne Drive (District E) 6. Rezoning Z-80-22 Corporate Center Drive & Play Golf Way between I-40 and Corporate Center Drive, south of Trinity Road (District D) 7. Rezoning Z-88-22: Kindley Street, northeast of the interchange of S McDowell Street and Martin Luther King Jr Boulevard (District D) HH. ADJOURNMENT 1. Adjourn Meeting