Raleigh Transit Authority Route Committee Meeting

Raleigh Union Station 510 West Martin Street, Suite 200, Raleigh

1. Preliminary Matters A. Call to Order B. Approval of April Summary Notes C. Revisions or Additions to the Agenda 2. Action Items A. None 3. Information Items A. Budget Discussion for FY24 and beyond B. February Performance Reports C. February Financial Reports 4. Concluding Remarks 5. Adjournment This committee studies questions dealing with routes, services, passenger amenities. Members: Nathan Spencer - Chair Sara Prado Tolulope Omokaiye - Ex-Officio For more information and to view the agenda, please visit Raleigh Transit Authority.

City Council Afternoon Session

Raleigh Municipal Building 222 W. Hargett St., Raleigh

The Raleigh City Council will meet for an afternoon session. Watch Council Meeting Live Stream View agendas and past minutes Visit our City Council page to find your council member and other council services. A. 1:00 P.M. MEETING CALLED TO ORDER BY THE MAYOR 1. Pledge of Allegiance B. CONSENT AGENDA 1. Consent Agenda Process 2. Annual Housing Action Plan - Fiscal Year 2023-24 C. CONSENT AGENDA - PETITION ANNEXATIONS 1. Petition Annexation - AX-3-23 - Contiguous Inside ETJ -7425 Buffaloe Road (District B) 2. Petition Annexation - AX-1-23 - Contiguous Inside ETJ - 7624 Pinecrest Rd. (District E) 3. Petition Annexation - AX-2-23 - Contiguous Inside ETJ - 2508 Prince Drive (District D) 4. Petition Annexation - AX-5-23 - Contiguous Inside ETJ- 5909, 6009,13,17,19,23,25,51, and 0 Rock Quarry Rd (District C) D. CONSENT AGENDA - GRANTS 1. Governor’s Highway Safety Program - 2022 Traffic Enforcement Grant - Amendment 2. Grant Award Reallocation – Emergency Rental Assistance 2 - US Department of Treasury E. CONSENT AGENDA - EASEMENTS 1. Temporary Easement - 545 Bragg Street F. CONSENT AGENDA - CONTRACTS AND CONSULTANT SERVICES 1. The Pines at Peach Road - Cost Share Agreement 2. Professional Services - On Call Engineering Services - […]

RHDC Community Awareness Committee

Urban Design Center One Exchange Plaza, Raleigh

The Community Awareness Committee of the Raleigh Historic Development Commission will conduct a public meeting on Tuesday, May 2 at 4:00 p.m. in the Nash Conference Room on the 3rd floor of One Exchange Plaza, Raleigh, NC 27601. For questions about the meeting, please contact historicpreservation@raleighnc.gov 1. Call to Order A. Call to Order and Welcome 2. Old Business A. 2023 Social Media Calendar - 2nd Quarter 3. New Business A. "Celebrate Oberlin" Event Summary B. RHDC Website Conversion C. RHDC Committee Assignments 4. Public Comment A. This is an opportunity for the public to comment on items or issues that are not otherwise on the agenda. Please limit comments to 3 minutes per speaker 5. Pending Business A. Items not being discussed 6. Adjournment The Community Awareness Committee meets on the first Tuesday of the month at 4:00 p.m. typically in the Urban Design Center, Suite 100 of the One Exchange Plaza building if not virtual.

City Council Evening Session

Raleigh Municipal Building 222 W. Hargett St., Raleigh

Y. 7:00 P.M. EVENING AGENDA Z. RECOGNITION OF SPECIAL AWARDS AA. PUBLIC COMMENT 1. Rules of Decorum for Public Comment 2. Voice Mail Public Comment BB. MATTERS SCHEDULED FOR PUBLIC HEARING 1. Petition Annexation - AX-21-22- Contiguous inside ETJ - 7640 Oak Hill Drive (District B) 2. Rezoning Z-38-22: 7640 Oak Hill Drive, located approximately 0.3 miles northeast of the intersection of Buffaloe and Forestville Roads (District B) 3. Rezoning Z-54-22: Peace & West, on the northeast corner of the intersection of Peace Street and West Street, approximately 400 feet west of Capital Boulevard (District D) 4. Rezoning Z-59-22: Shaw University, 17 properties generally located near the intersection of S. Blount Street and E. South Street (Districts C & D) 5. Rezoning TCZ-89-22: Louisburg Road, on the east side of the intersection of Valley Stream Drive and Louisburg Road (District B) CC. ADJOURNMENT 1. Adjourn Meeting   The Raleigh City Council will meet for an evening session. Watch Council Meeting Live Stream View agendas and past minutes Visit our City Council page to find your council member and other council services.