Hi Hillsborough-Wade CAC neighbors,
We’ll have our Hillsborough-Wade CAC meeting on Tuesday, August 29th at 7:00 PM. We’ll meet on Zoom (see link at the bottom of this email).
• Police report by Officer Kevin Taylor
• Jeff Murison will give us an update on the Hillsborough Street Community Corporation
• Report on the new voting rules for North Carolina by Cheryl Tung, President of the League of Woman Voters of Wake County
• Presentation about the West Morgan Neighborhood Association by Carol Gabor and Elizabeth Hofelt
• Discussion of current rezoning cases within our CAC boundaries
• If time permits, conversation about the future of CACs
I think other neighborhoods within our CAC could learn a lot from the organizing efforts of the West Morgan Neighborhood Association! (Please read about them below.)
If your neighborhood has a listserv, please forward this email to your neighborhood. Thanks!
See you in two weeks,
Mike Lindsay
Chair of the Hillsborough-Wade CAC
Mobile: 919-429-0177
[email protected]
Details about the West Morgan Neighborhood Association from Carol Gabor:
The West Morgan Neighborhood Association has recently been reregistered. The City just sent out a mailing for us, and people are beginning to register. We fall under the umbrella of the Hillsborough Wade CAC, so I think we need to keep you apprised of our aims and activities. The most important thing to keep in mind about this neighborhood is that it is a majority rental neighborhood and of that majority, over 50% would qualify as “affordable” housing. So for that reason, we have a huge interest in keeping our neighbors informed about potential zoning and other changes that could adversely affect the economic diversity of our area. We aren’t against increased density, but we are definitely fighting thoughtless zoning approvals that will prematurely force existing renters out of their homes before creative ways to allow them to stay in the neighborhood are discussed.
We are also planning a celebration of the Boylan Bridge as a public gathering place to view the Raleigh skyline and to memorialize weddings, graduations and other important life events. The tentative date is November 5, 2023. We have applied for community event funding in partnership with the Boylan Heights Neighborhood Association and are awaiting approval. On that note, you should also know that a group of us has started a non-profit called Friends of the Boylan Bridge, Inc. We just received word today that the City has given us $1000 for permanent artwork on the Bridge. That won’t go far, but it’s a start, and over time we hope to get donations from businesses to help make the Bridge a major city attraction.
Hillsborough-Wade CAC meeting on Tuesday, August 29th at 7:00 PM
Click on this link:
Meeting ID: 881 9339 9127
Passcode: 509337
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Passcode: 509337
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