Candidate Responses - 2022 - District D
Two ways to learn more about candidates
#1 Full Questionnaire
Select “Read Full Questionnaire” beneath each candidate’s photo to see the questionnaire they returned.
#2 Comparison of Candidate Responses
Click on individual questions to see a comparison of all the candidates’ answers.
#1 Full Questionnaire
#2 Comparison of Candidates’ Responses
3. Will you support improving affordable housing as a priority in all future development projects and rezoning applications?
4. Will you encourage developers to offer conditions to include some affordable housing or other community benefit as part of rezoning requests?
7. Will you find a way to require developers to replace affordable housing stock that is lost due to their project?
8. Will you support asking the NC General Assembly to allow cities/towns the ability to use inclusionary zoning?
1. Will you commit to holding all public meetings in public and not avoid the law by meeting in groups of four or smaller?
2. Will you commit to only voting on items that are scheduled on meeting agendas?
3. Will you commit to requiring developers to offer tangible community benefits in exchange for approving rezoning requests?
4. Will you support a formal, city-staffed process of developer/neighborhood meetings for rezoning and development projects?
5. Will you allow both virtual and in-person comments at Council meetings, based on the speaker's preference and/or need?
6. Will you allow at least 3 minutes per speaker at public comments regardless of the number of speakers?
7. Will you acknowledge concerns presented during Council public comment periods and address during meetings or with public follow-up?
8. Will you support scheduling elections to allow enough time for effective primaries and run-offs to occur?
9. Do you support adding more Council district seats?
3. Will you support developing stricter requirements for landscape buffers for rezoning and development?
1. Will you enact and enforce tougher regulations to manage nightlife on Glenwood South, Paula Street, and other troublesome areas?
2. Will you support more technical assistance for neighborhood participation in rezoning and development applications in their areas?
3. Will you support expanding the development of Small Area Plans for more neighborhoods that are at risk of gentrification or extinction?
4. Will you pledge to honor and follow existing Small Area Plans when they impact planning and other decisions?
5. Will you commit to honoring existing NCODs (Neighborhood Conservation Overlay Districts) and HODs (Historic Overlay Districts) and to consider future requests to create NCODs and HODs?
1. What are your top three spending priorities for Raleigh?
- Partner with our first responders and retain them by compensating them properly
- Plan workforce housing to allow our lowest income families to stay in our great City
- Promote Dorothea Dix Park and thoughtful spending of the Parks Bond 22
- Additional cost of living adjustments for all employees to improve recruitment, retention & economic well-being
- Purchasing property along public transit corridors for affordable housing
- Additional investments in non-vehicular movement infrastructure: sidewalks, bus shelters, commuter rail, separated bike lanes
- Transit, Bike and Pedestrian improvements like fare free buses, protected bike lanes and sidewalks.
- Affordable Housing, through zoning reform, incentives, public-private partnerships and subsidized city-owned projects.
- Fair Pay and Benefit options for part-time and full-time employees.
2. Name your top three suggestions for cutting the city's spending.
- Partnerships between the public assets and private interests teaming up the City’s resources with driven private organizations resulting in more effective spend
- Plan with our department heads to improve efficiency and eliminate redundancies
- Promote our great city in order to increase tourism and grow our funding “subtraction by addition”
- Community engagement bus – Funds could be better spent on support for CACs including free meeting space, staff support for communications with residents, hybrid meeting tech support, and leadership training.
- Efficiency in spending is key to using tax dollars responsibly. We should avoid excessive expenditures on overhead and unnecessary spending, for example selecting low cost, functional bus shelters over more costly designs.
- Beyond cutting spending, we can balance the budget by increasing revenues and investing in residents that are in need of living wage jobs. We should invest in on-the-job workforce training programs to fill city vacancies, helping residents who are currently underemployed to increase their economic well-being and contribute to Raleigh. Increased wages for residents will ultimately lead to higher property and sales taxes (i.e., increased city revenues) if more people are economically well off.
- Reduce sprawl and associated inefficient infrastructure costs for water, sewer, stormwater, roads, etc.
- Reallocate a portion of public safety funds to un-armed emergency responders, supporting and expanding ACORNs
- Support staff in regular efficiency checks across departments, with feedback loops for initiatives and programs.
4. Will you support more equitable allocation of budget funds across City districts and ensure that projects and services are not concentrated in any one district?