RHDC Certificate of Appropriateness Committee public meetings are held in the Raleigh Municipal Building, City Council Chamber. A broadcast is available via the following methods: the city’s website; the city’s YouTube Channel or Channel RTN-11.
Agenda and Participation
Visit the RHDC webpage for additional information including the agenda and how to participate.
This meeting will be held in-person in Room 201 (City Council chamber) of the Raleigh Municipal Building, 222 W Hargett St. Additional meeting information is posted on the City’s Raleigh Historic Development Commission website. (https://raleighnc.gov/raleigh-historic-development-commission).
1. Roll Call
2. Approval of Agenda
3. Approval of Minutes: January 26, 2023
4. Minor Work Report
1. COA-0136-2022: 410 N EAST STREET
1. COA-0138-2022: 1112 FILMORE STREET
2. COA-0157-2022: 518 E LANE STREET
3. COA-0159-2022: 603 POLK STREET
4. COA-0001-2023: 611 POLK STREET
5. COA-0003-2023: 1115 W LENOIR STREET
6. COA-0004-2023: 1024 DOROTHEA DRIVE
7. COA-0005-2023: 525 WATAUGA STREET
1. COA-0130-2022: 317 E JONES STREET
1. Committee Discussion