Hi Hillsborough-Wade CAC friends,
Please put our monthly Hillsborough-Wade CAC meeting on your calendar for Tuesday, February 28th at 7:00 PM. The Zoom link invitation is at the bottom of this email. Also, please forward this email to your neighborhood listserv (if your neighborhood has one).
Our main presentation and discussion will be about “Missing Middle” housing in Raleigh and the corresponding text changes (TC-5-20 and TC-20-21) in Raleigh’s Unified Development Ordinance (UDO). Patrick Young and other Planning Department staff will do a 30 minute presentation with visuals, and then we’ll have a Q&A session. This will be your opportunity to better understand these text changes, ask questions, and give feedback to Raleigh’s Planning & Development Department.
NOTE: As you know, we were going to have this missing middle in housing presentation at our January meeting, but a special session of the City Council was called for that evening and Patrick Young had to attend that meeting instead of our CAC meeting. He will join us at our February meeting.
Between now and February 28th, if you would like to do some homework and become more familiar with this subject, go to: FAQ: Raleigh’s Missing Middle and What is the Missing Middle?
As some of you may recall, we had a Missing Middle presentation by Charles Dillard and Jason Hardin at our August 2021 H-W CAC meeting that was very informative; but that was before text change TC-20-21, so they could only address text change TC-5-20 and its impact on Raleigh’s missing middle in housing. Click here to see that presentation. Since then TC-20-21 was approved, and both text changes became a campaign issue in the last election. As our beautiful City continues to grow, these issues are only going to get more complex for Raleigh residents. Please join us so you can understand what’s happening now and what the future may look like.
Current Agenda:
• Police report by Office Kevin Taylor
• Update from the Hillsborough Street Community Service Corporation
• Missing Middle Housing presentation by Patrick Young, Planning and Development Director for Raleigh
• H-W CAC Business Issues (if time permits)
See you on Tuesday February 26th,
Mike Lindsay
Chair of the Hillsborough-Wade CAC
Mobile: 919-429-0177
Topic: Hillsborough-Wade CAC February Meeting
Time: Feb 28, 2023 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
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