Hello Friends of Oberlin Village!
Our next FOV meeting is February 27, 2023 and will be hybrid at 6 p.m.
Some items on the agenda this month:
Attending Virtually? If you are interested in attending virtually and would like to receive the Zoom link to attend, please RSVP to friendsofoberlin@gmail.com (Click the link, do not reply to this email) preferably by 5 pm this Saturday, February 25, 2023.
Attending In-Person? For those interested in attending in person, the meeting will be held at Wilson Temple United Methodist Church located at 1023 Oberlin Road, please RSVP to friendsofoberlin@gmail.com
All attendees are asked to register in advance by clicking on the above email address(virtual and in-person)
If you register for virtual attendance and have not received the Zoom link by Sunday afternoon, please let me know at friendsofoberlin@gmail.com. Requests for the link once the meeting begins may not be able to be answered.
The January draft meeting minutes will be circulated to those attending this month’s meeting.
Please share any life events (celebrations, sympathies or concerns, etc.) with LaToya at friendsofoberlin@gmail.com.
(If you do not wish to receive emails regarding FOV meetings and minutes, you can manage your email preferences through the link at the bottom of this email and opt out of FOV Meeting announcement emails.)
Have a great week!
LaToya S. Skinner
FOV Operations Consultant