Planning Commission

Raleigh Municipal Building 222 W. Hargett St., Raleigh, NC, United States

Public Meeting - January 24 The City of Raleigh Planning Commission will conduct a public meeting on Tuesday, January 24 at 9:00 a.m. at the Raleigh Municipal Building, 222 West Hargett Street in the City Council Chamber. Planning Commission meetings can be viewed on the city’s website and RTN 11. For more information about the meeting, please contact Travis Crane or visit the Planning Commission webpage. A. INVOCATION B. PUBLIC COMMENT C. CONSENT AGENDA 1. Consent Agenda Process 2. Rezoning Z-81-22, 3304 Clearfield Drive, located at the northeast quadrant of I-540 and the CSX rail corridor (District A) D. COMMITTEE REPORT 1. Wakefield Small Area Study Final Report and Comprehensive Plan Amendments E. OLD BUSINESS 1. Rezoning Z-67-22: 7910 Skyland Ridge Parkway, at the northwest corner of the intersection of Glenwood Avenue and Skyland Ridge Parkway (District E) F. NEW BUSINESS 1. Text Change to Zoning Conditions TCZ-61-22: 4500 Falls of Neuse Road, just north of the intersection with Old Wake Forest Road G. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. Approval of January 10, 2023 Draft Planning Commission Meeting Minutes H. OTHER BUSINESS 1. Report from the Chair 2. Report from the Members 3. Report from the Assistant Director I. ADJOURNMENT

City Council Special Session

Raleigh Municipal Building 222 W. Hargett St., Raleigh, NC, United States

The Raleigh City Council will meet for a special session to hold Public Hearings that had previously been improperly noticed. A. 5:00 P.M. MEETING CALLED TO ORDER BY THE MAYOR B. MATTERS SCHEDULED FOR PUBLIC HEARING Rescheduled Public Hearings - Defective Public Notice - Originally Scheduled for January 3rd Petition Annexation – AX-1-22- Contiguous Outside ETJ – 6720 Rock Quarry Road (District C) Rezoning Z-2-22: Rock Quarry Road, at the intersection with Whitfield Road (District C) Petition Annexation – AX-21-22- Contiguous inside ETJ – 7640 Oak Hill Drive (District B) Rezoning Z-38-22, 7640 Oak Hill Drive, located approximately 0.3 miles northeast of the intersection of Buffaloe Road and Forestville Road (District B) Rezoning Z-43-22: 405 Clover Ln, both sides, east of Wake Forest Road (District C) Rezoning Z-54-22: Peace & West, on the northeast corner of the intersection of Peace Street and West Street, approximately 400 feet west of Capital Boulevard (District D) Rezoning Z-55-22: Johnson Street, on the south side of Johnson Street, between St. Marys Street and Boylan Avenue (District D) Rezoning Z-72-21: Lake Wheeler Road, Mercury Street, Maywood Avenue, east of Lake Wheeler Road and west of S. Saunders Street (District D) Rezoning Z-62-22: Cross Link Road, west side, […]

Hillsborough-Wade CAC

Virtual Meeting

Hi Hillsborough-Wade CAC friends, Please put our monthly Hillsborough-Wade CAC meeting on your calendar for Tuesday, January 24th at 7:00 PM. The Zoom link invitation is at the bottom of this email. Due to a City Council Special Session being called for next Tuesday, Patrick Young will not be able to do a presentation to our CAC that same evening on “Missing Middle Housing” in Raleigh. Our new January agenda has Kris Nikfar giving us an update on Raleigh Greenway closures and other greenway projects. New Agenda: • Police report by Officer Kevin Taylor • Update from the Hillsborough Street Community Service Corporation by Shannon Johnson • Update on Raleigh Greenway Closures by Kris Nikfar, Parks and Recreation • Discussion on H-W CAC Status, Programming and Future Plans See you on Tuesday January 24th, Mike Lindsay Chair of the Hillsborough-Wade CAC Phone:919-828-0619 Mobile: 919-429-0177 [email protected] Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 836 8403 1870 Passcode: 542961 One tap mobile +13017158592,,83684031870#,,,,*542961# US (Washington DC) +13052241968,,83684031870#,,,,*542961# US Dial by your location +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC) +1 305 224 1968 US +1 309 205 3325 US +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago) +1 646 558 8656 US (New York) +1 646 931 3860 US […]

West Raleigh CAC

Wednesday January 25th at 7:00pm We are looking forward to having you join us for our next monthly meeting after a lovely holiday break! Here is our agenda: -Community Updates (Peyote Perryman) -Blue Ridge Corridor Alliance (Stuart Levin) -Rezoning Z-34-22 (Worth Mills, Longleaf Law) Upcoming Community Events (All) Zoom meeting info below. Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 839 8129 2620 One tap mobile +16469313860,,83981292620# US +19292056099,,83981292620# US (New York)

Planning Commission Committee of the Whole

Raleigh Municipal Building 222 W. Hargett St., Raleigh, NC, United States

Planning Commission Committee of the Whole Public Meeting - January 26 The City of Raleigh Planning Commission Committee of the Whole will conduct a public meeting on Thursday, January 26 at 4:00 p.m. at the Raleigh Municipal Building, 222 West Hargett Street in Room 305. On the agenda: Southeast Special Area Study Final Report and Comprehensive Plan Amendments (CP-12-21) Rezoning Z-16-20, Hodge Road Assemblage For more information about the meetings, please contact Travis Crane or visit the Planning Commission webpage.

RHDC Certificate of Appropriateness Committee

Raleigh Municipal Building 222 W. Hargett St., Raleigh, NC, United States

RHDC Certificate of Appropriateness Committee public meetings are held in the Raleigh Municipal Building, City Council Chamber. A broadcast is available via the following methods: the city’s website; the city’s YouTube Channel or Channel RTN-11. The RHDC Certificate of Appropriateness Committee will conduct a public meeting on Thursday, January 26 at 5:00 p.m. at the Raleigh Municipal Building, 222 W. Hargett Street in the City Council Chamber. For more information about the meeting, please contact [email protected] or visit the RHDC Certificate of Appropriateness webpage. Agenda and Participation Visit the RHDC webpage for additional information including the agenda and how to participate. A. Call to Order – Chair 1. Roll Call 2. Approval of Agenda 3. Approval of Minutes: December 8 & 9, 2022 4. Minor Work Report B. Evidentiary Hearings – Old Applications 1. COA-0126-2022: 2307 VAN DYKE AVENUE C. Evidentiary Hearings – New Applications 1. COA-0124-2022: 900 HILLSBOROUGH STREET 2. COA-0130-2022: 317 E JONES STREET 3. COA-0136-2022: 410 N EAST STREET 4. COA-0147-2022: 111 N BLOODWORTH STREET D. Other Business 1. Committee Discussion E. Adjourment 1. Adjourn Meeting

Neighborhood Meeting — 0, 4209, 4217 Watkins Road

Abbotts Creek Community Center 9950 Durant Rd, Raleigh, NC

Jan. 26, 6:30 p.m. Abbotts Creek Community Center 0, 4209, 4217 Watkins Rd Pre-submittal R-30 (Wake County) to R-6-CU (additional information)   B Michael Birch Belk

Neighborhood Meeting — 2924 Computer Drive

Anne Gordon Center for Active Adults 1901 Spring Forest Road, Raleigh, North Carolina

Jan. 26, 7 p.m. Anne Gordon Center for Active Adults, Room 103 All, 1901 Spring Forest Road, Raleigh, NC 27615 2924 Computer Dr Post-submittal (Z-47-22) OX-3 w/SHOD-1 & SHOD-2 to OX-12 w/SHOD-2 (additional information) E Molly Stuart Reckhow

City Council Retreat Day One

City Council members will be traveling to Durham via Amtrak and spending the day in Durham learning about programs and meeting with City and County officials. The day's events will be open to the public and an agenda will be posted when available.  The day's events will not be live streamed. The location and agenda for the day have not been published yet.

City Council Retreat Day Two

The public can watch the retreat live when in session. The agenda for the event has not been published yet. Troxler Agricultural Sciences Center on the corner of Reedy Creek and Edwards Mill Roads 4400 Reedy Creek Road Raleigh NC 27607

Artist Reception: January/February Exhibitions at Sertoma Arts Center

Sertoma Arts Center 1400 Millbrook Road, Raleigh, NC, United States

Join us at Sertoma Arts Center on Sunday, January 29, 2-4 p.m. for a reception celebrating the January/February exhibitions artists. On view in our Raleigh Room Gallery is an exhibit called Mountains to Sea Trail featuring the works of eight artists. Featured in our Hall Gallery are two artists working in painting, displayed in the lobby cases are artworks by a potter and traditional Japanese embroidered pieces by students at Sertoma Arts Center. Learn more about the January/February Exhibitions at Sertoma Arts Center

Neighborhood Meeting: 6401 Poole Road

Barwell Road Community Center 5857 Barwell Park Dr, Raleigh, NC, United States

Jan. 30, 6:oo p.m. Barwell Road Community Center, Meeting Room #2, 5857 Barwell Park Dr, Raleigh, NC 27610 6401 Poole Rd Pre-submittal R-6-CU to NX-4 (additional information) C Choli Aronson Belk