Upper Durant Lake Public Meeting

Campbell Lodge at Durant Nature Preserve 3237 Spottswood Street, Raleigh

Upcoming Public Meeting Raleigh Stormwater is hosting an open-house style public meeting to: Update the community on project progress and next steps Present the process used to develop design alternatives Present the preferred wetland alternative recommended by the design consultant and chosen by the City of Raleigh Seek input on design details and future programming through a visual preference survey. Background Raleigh Stormwater is designing a wetland conversion of Upper Durant Lake. This project has several goals for the community members and local wildlife who enjoy the preserve. Goals of the wetland conversion include: Address the failing dam; Preserve and diversify natural habitat for native wildlife; Improve water quality, Expand environmental education opportunities; and, Ensure long-term viability of the Durant Nature Preserve. Learn more about the project, goals, and schedule.