Neighborhood Rezoning Meeting: 2340 Compassionate Drive

Compassionate Tabernacle Church 2310 Compassionate Drive, Raleigh

Mar. 13 5:30 p.m. Compassionate Tabernacle of Faith Missionary Baptist Church, 2310 Compassionate Dr, Raleigh, NC 27610 2340 Compassionate Dr Post-Submittal R-6 w/SHOD-1 TO RX-4-CU (Additional Information) C Amy Crout

SECAC (Southeast CAC)

Barwell Road Community Center 5857 Barwell Park Dr, Raleigh

 "Informed + Engaged=Empowered Southeast Citizen Advisory Council March 13 ,2025 Community Meeting When: Thursday, March 13, 2025. Where: Barwell Road Community Center 5857 Barwell Park Drive. Raleigh, NC 27610 Time: 7:00 pm A few agenda items will be presented at this meeting of concern to the community:  1.Come meet and hear from our new District 5 Wake County Commissioner  2.Update from Southeast Raleigh Promise Director  3.District C Update from Councilman Branch  4.Update on 4 rezoning requests in our area located on New Hope, Barwell Road and Pearl Street  5.We will be electing Marlyne Silver for Secertary to fill the SECAC opening.  6. Usual Raleigh Staff updates include Raleigh Police Department, Raleigh Sheriff Office, Barwell Road Community Center and Wellness Check. This meeting will be recorded to allow sharing with Southeast Raleigh residents. If you are one of the Southeast Raleigh community organizations leaders, we are requesting to know your availability for this meeting and who will represent you at this meeting.   Please start sharing this with neighbors in your community.   If you have any questions, please contact me.   Have a say in decisions affecting your community by participating in your CAC. -Follow SECAC on Facebook: Ulysses J Lane VMD SECAC Chair