Neighborhood Rezoning Meeting: 1220 & 1246 Wicker Drive

Wake County ABC Commission 1212 Wicker Drive

October 28 5:30 p.m. Wake County ABC Commission, 1212 Wicker Dr, Raleigh, NC 27604 1220 & 1246 Wicker Dr Pre-Submittal IX-3 TO CX-20 (Additional Information) C Leticia Shapiro

Hybrid Midtown CAC meeting

Eastgate Park 4200 Quail Hollow Dr,, Raleigh

Agenda Hybrid Midtown Citizens Advisory Council Meeting Monday, October 28, 2024, 7:00-9:00 pm 1)   7:00           Call to Order and Welcome to Midtown CAC 2)   7:05           Review of Minutes of Prior MCAC meeting 3)   7:10           RPD officers Winkle and Garcia                         Activity and Crime Stats Report for Midtown                         Question and Answer 4)   7:30           Raleigh Customer Service Updates Karen Ray, Raleigh Customer Experience Manager 5)   8:00           Reflecting Raleigh, the Next Comprehensive Plan after 2030                         Sarah Shaughnessy Principal Planner Raleigh Planning and Development 6)   8:30           City Council Updates 7). 8:45            Old / New Business, Announcements, Remarks                         Eastgate Park Management Change - Linda Stafford                         Rezoning Updates - Steve Brechbiel 8) 9:00             Adjournment In Person Location:                         Eastgate Park Community Center                         4200 Quail Hollow Drive                         Raleigh, NC 27609 Zoom Meeting Link: Available by Request Visit our Midtown CAC Facebook page: